Effective 8-Minute Workout To Help You Lose Stubborn Excess Weight

Nov 26, 2018 by apost team

According to a global Reebok survey, published in PR Newswire, on average we spend less than one percent of our entire lives on exercising, which amounts to around 180 days. However, we spend 7,709 days sitting down.

With this alarming information, you may want to make a change and develop a more active lifestyle. We’ve compiled a list of some exercises to boost your metabolism and reduce stubborn excess fat. Don’t have time to exercise? Don’t worry!

These workouts can be done in about 8 minutes each day! Each of these 10 exercises can be done for around one minute apiece. Are you going to try this method?


1. Reverse Planks

Starting position: Sit down on the ground. Keep your legs straight, but rest your body against your arms.

How to:

  • Angle your torso at 45 degrees against the floor. Your hands should be behind your buttocks.
  • The weight of your body should be supported with your hands and your heels. Then lift your buttocks off the ground.
  • Raise your torso, as well as your legs and buttocks until they are in line, similar to a classic plank position.
  • When you move your body upwards, you should tighten your abdominal muscles.
  • Keep holding for 15 seconds to a minute before slowly lowering your body back down.

Results: This exercise is great for people who want to tone their stomach in order to see six-pack results. It also tones up the arms.

2. Windshield Wipers

Starting position: Begin by laying on the ground or on a mat. Keep your hands stretched at either side of you with the palms facing downward.

How to:

  • Raise each leg, making circular motions towards your right side while also moving your buttocks to the left.
  • Keep the legs straight.

Results: Windshield wipers are great for targeting side fat as well as strengthening your core.

3. Wall Sits

Starting position: Keep your back against a wall. Feet should be shoulder-width apart with a good grip on the ground.

How to:

  • Slide your body down the wall, keeping your back against it. Your legs should now be bent at a 90-degree angle.
  • Hold for 20 to 30 seconds. Return to the starting position.

Results: Wall sitting is excellent for toning our thighs, hips, and calves and even works your lower abs.

4. Glute Bridges

Starting position: Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent. You can use dumbbells in either hand, keeping them on the floor in a perpendicular position to your body.

How to:

  • Begin by lifting your buttocks as high as possible. You should feel some tension. Then, raise your hands.
  • Keep holding for 3 seconds. Return to starting position and repeat for around 20 reps.

Results: Glute bridges are great for tightening the buttocks and toning the triceps.

5. Pike Push-Ups

Starting position: Situate your body in a standard push-up position. The arms should be straight, and your hands should be as far apart as your shoulders are.

How to:

  • Make sure the hips are raised. Form a triangle with your body.
  • Bending your elbows, begin to lower your chest until you almost reach the floor.
  • Then, push yourself back to the initial position by extending your arms straight.

Results: This type of push-up can help you build stronger arms and increase muscles in the chest.

6. Prisoner Squats

Starting position: Keep your feet shoulder-width distance apart. Then, place your hands in the back of your head. Force your elbows and shoulders backward as well.

How to:

  • Begin by creating an incomplete squat.
  • Lower each individual knee to the floor, one at a time.
  • Return to the initial position.

Results: Prisoner squats are great for toning the butt and slimming down leg fat.

7. Single Leg Kickbacks

Starting position: Stand on your hands and knees, bending at the elbows.

How to:

  • Take your right leg and stretch it backward. Make sure that you feel a tension in your buttocks and hold for 5 seconds.
  • Return to the starting position and do the same on your left leg.

Results: This exercise is amazing for toning the glues as well as targeting backs of the thighs.

8. Skater Squats

Starting position: Lean your entire body forward with your legs bent. Make sure your hands are pressed against your chest.

How to:

  • Perform a normal squat.
  • Then, bend the right knee in order to cross it against your left foot.
  • Begin to lean forward, and wave your left hand in the front of your right thigh. Keep your right hand in the back of you. This positioning helps your balance.
  • Then, return the right and left leg to a shoulder-width position and perform a squat.
  • Do the exercise again with the reverse leg, keeping all of the same movements with the opposite body parts.

Results: This exercise is great for strengthening quad muscles and improving the tone of your thighs.

9. Russian Twists

Starting position: Sit down on a mat. Begin by bending the knees while leaning back slightly. Form a letter “V” with your hips.

How to:

  • Your back should be rounded and your abs should hold tension.
  • Stretch forward with both arms.
  • Then, lift your legs slowly up off of the floor. Twist your body as well as both hands from the right to the left. Keep your knees in place.

Results: Russian twists are amazing for burning overall fat and also improve the strength in your abdominal muscles.

10. Inchworms

Starting position: Keep your feet as far apart as your hips. Learn your body forward, attempting to touch the floor with the palm of your hands. You are allowed to bend the knees.

How to:

  • Walk your hands upwards until your body is aligned straight.
  • Keep holding for 15 seconds before returning to the starting position by walking your hands backward.

Results: Inchworms are amazing at tightening up your core as well as strengthening the muscles.

With a few useful methods, you can be on your way to fat burning and a toned body in no time! What are your favorite exercises for targeting fat? Are you going to try these methods? Don't forget to send them to your friends as well so they can also join your protest against the stubborn excess weight!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. Your health is important to us!