Dressing Chickens In Tutus Is A New Fashion Trend For Pet Owners

Oct 22, 2019 by apost team

When most people think of chicken, they think of dinner. However, these furry little creatures are becoming the trendy pet to own. Backyard chicken coops are all of the rage these days. Not only do the animals produce loads of fresh eggs, but they are also fun to have around. Especially when you can dress them in a tutu.

Yes, you heard that right. People are now dressing their chickens in ballerina tutus and documenting the hilarity for the world to see. The hashtag #chickentutu even has its own page on Instagram for people to join in on the fun.


From frilly tutus to outlandish full costumes, these chicken owners are having a blast dressing their animals. The captions are equally creative. The chickens range from full-grown mother hens to little baby chicks strutting their stuff with their costumes.

You can even buy a custom-made tutu for your chicken through various websites that cater to this craze. The tutus are designed for comfort with straps to secure under the wing so that the chicken's feet do not get caught in the fabric.

Just when you think you have seen it all on the internet, you find out that you can buy a ballerina costume for your chicken to wear around the coop in their leisurely time.

You simply have to check out these pictures to appreciate the creativity. After you have looked through these adorable photos, be sure to spread the shots to every other animal lover that you know.