Dozens Of Feral Hogs Create Christmas Chaos As They Invade Neighborhood

Dec 16, 2021 by apost team

Feral hogs, or as they are also called feral swine, are becoming an issue for people in the area of Southeast United States. These are the same type of pig you would find on a farm, and in fact, feral hogs are descended from farm pigs that were released into the wild or that escaped. The word feral in this context means that the pigs live in the wild and are not domesticated. They are an invasive species that were originally brought to the US in the 1500s by early colonists.

These swine are dangerous and can do some serious damage to property and landscapes. In Sienna, Texas, a man recorded 25 to 30 feral hogs running through his front yard with his security camera. 

When Glen Garner left his house one morning in December 2021, he saw that his flower beds were completely ruined. This prompted him to check his security camera footage, and that’s when he saw dozens of pigs quickly running across his lawn. So far, there have not been any reports of downed fences in the area, but the damage to local landscapes has been extensive. 

Feral hogs have been reported in 35 states, and their numbers are growing rapidly. Because they are an invasive species, they do not have many natural predators, and so the pigs pose a threat to the different habitats around the country. Experts say the only way to manage their growing numbers is by trapping and euthanizing 75% of their population. 

Keep reading to hear more from Garner about the dozens of feral hogs that ruined his front yard.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

In an interview with KHOU 11 News, the homeowner said he was not surprised to see feral pigs on his property, but he was shocked by the number. “I was thinking to see two, three, or four ... not 25 or 30,” Garner said. 

While there haven’t been reports of property damage in the Sienna area as of yet, feral hogs typically cause millions of dollars of damage and agriculture loss every year. “I saw a ton of ton of damage,” Garner said. “In our front yard, in our neighbor’s yard. Some of the houses down the street were hit worse than others.”

In the video captured by Garner’s security camera, it at first seems like there is only one pig roaming around the yard. Then there is suddenly an entire mob running through, and they are difficult to count. “You’ve seen one hog, OK,” Garner shared. “And then you see the whole family troop filing in. It’s just really bizarre.”

Even in such large numbers, the feral hogs are fast on their feet. Garner added, “They move really quickly. Looking back on our camera, they were in our yard less than a minute.” That was all the time it took to do extensive damage to the lawn and flower beds.

A hog trapper told the news outlet that 75% of the feral hog population must be euthanized to get a handle on the growing numbers. Homeowners do not have much else they can do to protect their landscapes and property. Garner said, “For now, we’re just going to clean things up and wait and see.”

Do you have feral hogs where you live? If so, have they ever caused damage to your home? Let us know, and be sure to pass this along to your friends and loved ones.

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