Don't Do These Seven Things During A Fight With A Loved One

May 18, 2018 by apost team

Hurting someone with an action or word during a fight is extremely easy to do. Once these words are said or action is taken, it can never be taken back. Many couples end up living with the lingering resentment for months and even years, ruining their chances at a happy partnership.

Let’s take a look at the seven different things you should never, ever do when you are in the middle of fighting with a loved one.

1. Divorce Shouldn’t Be Thrown Around

The phrase “I want a divorce” is a common one during a bad fight. Unfortunately, these words can also severely hurt the feelings of the other person. Not only that, repeatedly talking about getting a divorce will more than likely lead to one. When you love someone, don’t talk about leaving them just because you are fighting.

2. Leave Family Members Out Of The Argument

No one should be involved in your fight except the two of you. When you pull in family members you are only asking for more trouble down the road. Even after you have made up and forgotten the fight, the family members you involved more than likely will still remember. They may then use this against your partner at a later date.

3. Don’t Fight In Public

When you and your partner fight in public, you more than likely do not respect the space of others or yourself. Don’t air your grievances out in the open for others to judge. Keep your battles at home.

4. Never Resort To Violence

You should never, ever resort to any type of physical violence during an argument. Never allow your partner to use any kind of violence against you, either. You can never come back from physical pain and your relationship will not last.

5. Don’t Take Off At Night

When you leave your house in the middle of the night it is only showing your loved one that you do not want to even be in the same house as them. It’s ok to want to cool off in another room until you can talk rationally, just don’t slam doors and run off in the dark. You’ll look immature and it will hurt your partner.

6. Don’t Mix In Other Issues

You may be tired of all the dishes piled up in the sink. That’s ok! Just let the fight remain about the dishes and not everything else your partner has done wrong in your eyes. This could make one small issue blow up into a huge one.

7. Don’t Sleep Separately

Sleeping in separate rooms shows that you cannot make up. When you stick to the normal routine of going to bed together, the atmosphere will ease up and you will be able to resolve your problems quicker. You may start off ignoring each other in bed but chances are, come morning light you will be lying in each other’s arms!

Don’t make a fight worse! Follow these seven steps and enjoy a relationship full of laughter and love. Are these steps you and your partner follow? Let us know in the comments and make sure everyone you know sees this!