Dog Walks Miles Each Night To Bring Food For Her Extended Family

Oct 30, 2019 by apost team

A homeless street dog in Brazil has been discovered delivering a bag of food nightly to her extended family in a junkyard.

Lilica was abandoned outside of a junkyard when she was a puppy, and she gradually made it her home along with a menagerie of other animals including cats, dogs, and chickens. She eventually had puppies there who were later adopted.

One day, Lilica found herself near Lucia Helena de Souza’s home after traveling a great distance through treacherous streets. Suspecting that Lilica was homeless after seeing the hound, Lucia gave her something to eat. She loved the food and came back for more every night that followed.

It wasn’t long before Lucia was cooking larger amounts of food and giving the dog some of it. Lucia would connect with Lilica every night to give her the food, and the two of them would share a hug.

Lucia noticed that Lilica was famished, but instead of finishing the meal given to her, she carried it away in whatever it was served in. Lucia helped the dog by sealing the bag of food when Lilica finished eating some of it, reports The Daily Mail. With that, the dog would quickly run off with what was left.

Lilica’s actions seemed to be planned, and they made you wonder where she was going with the food. One day, Lucia followed Lilica to see where she went with it every day. When she followed the dog across town to the junkyard 4 miles away and saw her giving the food to her friends, her heart melted.

Even though Lilica brought food to her babies, she would also deliver it to her four-legged friends. There wasn’t a night when she didn’t come through with food for the animals she knew were hungry.

Lilica’s efforts to provide food for her extended family became the talk of the town. What she did made people realize that animals are compassionate, and we’d be better off if we followed in their footsteps.

Lilica, as well as Lucia and others who adore animals, deserve to be commended for opening their hearts and caring enough to make a difference.

If you like this story, please tell other people about it. If you think Lilica’s actions were extraordinary, post your thoughts. Also reveal your thoughts on how Lucia handled the situation.