Dog Waits Daily For His Buddy To Come Home From School

Oct 27, 2020 by apost team

Dogs are often more than pets. These loyal animals act as both trusted companions and close members of the family. Owners become attached to their beloved dogs, and the canines develop affection for their two-legged friends.

So much is demonstrated in a video that was uploaded back in 2013, which shows a gentle dog names Nala waiting patiently at the bus stop for her best buddy Russell to get back from school.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

Young Russell appears to be very close to Nala. The pit bull and the young boy share a kinship, and Nala doesn't like any separations. Humans, of course, have more duties, responsibilities, and structured routines than pet dogs.

So Nala might not comprehend why Russell left her alone for six or more hours a day. The answer isn't too hard to comprehend, as Russell must spend the day at school. Well, humans might understand why Russell has to disappear for a bit. Nala does not.

Who knows what runs through Nala's head when she waits for Russell to get off the school bus. Hopefully, the poor dog doesn't think that Russell is going away for good.

The dog may soon understand the routine a bit better now. Upon finding out Russell comes home at a specific time like clockwork, Nala should figure things out. Dogs tend to be much brighter than many people give them credit.

The video of Russel's return has its heartwarming moments. The school bus pulls up to the house, and Russell and Nala enjoy a reunion. Before this occurs, you can see that Nala seems eager to see her old friend.

Her head pops up as the school bus arrives. Likely, she can sense Russell is nearby. The minute Russell gets off the school bus, he calls to Nala, and she comes running. You can tell Nala is one happy dog. Russell seems happy to see his dear friend, too.

The two enjoy a brief welcoming party, as the young man and his four-legged friend can spend some time together before the next school day.

Surely you know a proud animal lover. Let the person see this uplifting video of Russell and Nala. The video could warm their heart. Do your pets wait for you to get home as impatiently as Nala? Make sure you tell us your stories in the comments!

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