Dog Screams Similar To Humans If He's Happy Or Excited

Aug 17, 2020 by apost team

Think about how you feel when you are super happy or incredibly excited. Do you jump for joy? Do you scream and shout? People express their happiness through language, sounds, and movement. Sharing positive feelings and general happiness is so important. And animals get happy too!

This dog does something special when he is excited. When he is happy or excited, Mo the pitbull literally screams like a human or chirps like a bird. He doesn't bark. He doesn't growl. He literally throws his head back and screams. It is absolutely side-splitting and something that has made this dog something of a local celebrity.

You would expect that when a dog, in particular, gets excited, he would do a few things. Maybe he would bark excitedly. Perhaps his tail would wag back and forth and even knock things over. You might expect him to run around and get energized. Maybe he'd jump up on you and try to snuggle. You probably would not expect him to scream and yell like a human...right?

Meet Mo. Mo is a sweet, fun loving pitbull who loves life. He also loves his mama. In fact, this dog pretty much only loves. Literally everything he comes in contact with in his life brings joy to him. Whether it be butterflies passing by his window or a new bone gifted to him from his mama, Mo is a dog who is just really, really happy.

Now, you would expect Mo to do a few things when he's happy. He's a beautiful pitbull, so their signature smile might cross your mind. But that's just not Mo. Sure, he will smile at you. In fact, he is smiling all the time. He is also screaming.

Now, rest assured, Mo is not in pain. He is just really excited. For whatever reason, his excitement manifests as an ear piercing scream of joy. You might expect the scream to indicate pain or discomfort, but that just is not the case for Mo. If he screams, you know he is out of this world elated.

Mo's scream is unique. It is not your standard squeal of delight that a dog might routinely make when he sees a new treat or a cat running by the front yard. Nope, his scream sounds like a woman whose purse has been stolen.

His scream reminds his mama of the infamous Velociraptor. His scream sounds like a child whose favorite toy has been dropped at the park. In short, the sound Mo makes when he is feeling good sounds like he is actually feeling pretty bad. He's not. He's living his best life.

Mo videos are about as good as it gets. There are so many clips that his mama has uploaded to the Internet and YouTube. He can be seen in the back of her car. His head is out the window, and he is enjoying the fresh air and scenery. Things seem calm.

And then, he screams. He belts out a sound that would be terrifying if it were coming from anyone but Mo. Instead, you can see him with a huge smile on his face. It is as if the scream is his way of letting out his unadulterated delight at life.

Mo is not your average pitbull. Sure, he is stocky, and he has that picture-perfect pitbull-only large head. Yes, he has that quintessential pitbull smile that all dog owners absolutely love. But then he has his own personal trademark: his scream. This pup is sweet, funny, and loud. What a delightful dog.

Did you enjoy reading about (and hearing!) Mo's scream? Encourage your friends to listen to him as well for a much needed laugh.