Dog Perishes In House Fire After Saving His Family By Warning Them

Sep 27, 2019 by apost team

Dogs can be great companions to humans, and one reason for this is their capacity for love and loyalty to their human caretakers. In some cases, they are even willing to risk their own lives for people, which is what happened in this tragic story. A heroic dog named Zippy is one example of a dog who unfortunately lost his life to save his family from a rapidly spreading house fire.

The Butler family adopted Zippy four years ago from a shelter in Bradenton, Florida. The black-and-white Jack Russell terrier was an alert pet who always let the family know when people were outside.

Recently, a fire broke out in the attic of the Butler family's home at around 2 am when the family was asleep. The fire rapidly began to spread throughout the house. The fire spread so fast that the house was almost obliterated before the alarm sounded.

Luckily for the Butlers, little Zippy ran throughout the house barking to alert the children and their father about the fire. The family had just enough time to exit the home before it was completely engulfed in flames.

The father, Leon, said that he had to run across a floor engulfed in flame as he carried his children to safety. He described a moment when he was running from the hallway and one of the ceilings dropped, barely missing him and his kids reports Bay News 9.

Although the family got out of the house in time, the little dog wasn't able to escape, even though Leon tried to save him. The fire and smoke in the house prevented any more entry or exit from the home at that point. There was no safe path for the dog to escape because the floor was completely ablaze.

The cause of the fire is still unknown. The family has lost their home and most of their belongings, and now they have to figure out how to make a new start with their lives. Even so, they're grateful to their loyal dog who gave his life to save them.

Do you think most dogs would risk their lives to save their human caretakers? Let us know in the comments, and send a link to your friends to honor the memory and heroism of Zippy.