Dog Owners Take More Pictures Of Their Pet Than Their Spouse, According To Study

Jul 24, 2019 by apost team

Some people would say that dogs are superior to humans. Most of us are initially attracted to dogs because of their cute appearances. Their large eyes, their adorable ears, and their tails are enough to make anyone say “aww.” Not only are they adorable to look at, but they are loyal, forgiving, and full of optimism. There’s a reason why these pets are called a man’s best friend.

Chances are, if you’re lucky enough to own a dog, you may take a lot of pictures of them. Scroll through your camera roll and witness for yourself just how many pictures of your precious pooch you have. When no one else is around to help us through life’s challenges, we can always rely on our dogs to be by our side. And some of us show this appreciation through pictures that will help us remember our furry friends by. But what if we told you dog owners take even more pictures of their pet than their loved ones?

In a new research project, it was proven that pet owners are more likely to take pictures of their four-legged friends than their own partners. This might be quite surprising to some people. In fact, in the age of the selfie, you’d think we take more pictures with our partners than ever. However, Rover's report 'The Truth About Dog People' found that 65% of people who own dogs willingly admit that they more often turn the camera to their pooch, even over their own spouse!

The study also had some other findings of animals and photographs that are interesting to think about. In further research, it was found that 25% of pet owners have brought their pet to accompany them on a date, while 47% have more guilt and sadness about leaving their dog behind for a week-long vacation than their loved ones. Even further, it was found that an outstanding 78% often enjoy including their furry friend in special moments such as proposals, holiday cards, trips, and other memories.

So if you’ve ever felt strange about having more pictures of your pets than your spouse, turns out you aren’t the only one with these habits! But who could resist taking pictures of our adorable pets? These pictures are a great way to remember them after they’re gone, and printing them to frame around the house is a great way to honor your companion.

What do you think about these statistics? How many pictures of your dog do you have in your camera roll? Let us know in the comments and be sure to pass this article along to all dog owners you know to see if they are guilty of taking way too many pictures of their dog!