Dog Is Sick And Tired Of Hearing Teen Girl Practice Flute At The Dinner Table

Oct 03, 2018 by apost team

They say that dogs are "man's best friend." However, even dogs have a limit! This teen girl tested the bond between her and her dog when she started learning an instrument. She loved flute music but her dog certainly didn't! Practice does make perfect. Evidently, this girl was practicing more than her dog could stand.

The teenager had set up at her dining room table. She began practicing as was her usual routine. Her dog's reaction? A huge, dramatic groan. He had obviously heard the same song over...and over...and over again.

His owner was completely oblivious. She continued to play as if nothing was wrong. Maybe she was so busy practicing that she didn't quite hear her dog's complaints! The longer she played, the louder his groans became. He just wanted her to stop!

She finally noticed her dog's annoyance. Instead of stopping, though, she just laughed and continued to play. Maybe she hoped that over time her dog would learn to appreciate the music.

Her dog just kept pleading for the torture to end. He whined, grunted, and shifted restlessly. All in the futile hopes that his master would finally respond. At every turn, she just seemed to think it was funny.

In fact, she was so busy laughing at her dog's antics that it was hard for her to keep playing. (So perhaps her dog was more successful than he'd hoped, just not in a way that he'd expected!)

Exhausted by his protests, the dog slunk off to the hallway and collapsed onto his stomach. Maybe now he'd finally get some peace and quiet...until her practice started up again.

"Please, no more" he seemed to say. Whatever this girl was playing, it was definitely his least favorite song. Or, more likely, he'd just heard it so many times that he just didn't like it anymore!

The song drew to a close. Relief at last? Well, the girl had to replay a few notes to finish it since her dog had distracted her so much. He howled in protest.

Footage of the dog's struggle has attracted millions of views. A lot of viewers can actually relate to the dog's struggles. One viewer commented that the dog represents any parent of a musician. They're tired of the practice, just like this dog was. They might just take his example and start howling themselves!

What did you think of this hilarious video? Let us know in the comments and pass this along to your friends and family to brighten their day!