Dog Has Hissy Fit As Mom Says It's Time To Stop Swimming And Go Home

Aug 22, 2020 by apost team

You just have to love dogs. They are famed for their loyalty and they are also a lot of fun. They can also be the source of a lot of laughs as well. One dog in particular has been making people across the world laugh.

A video from 2016 shows of a dog named Bella who was out for a swim in the pond. When her human mother told her it was time to go home, Bella got very upset.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

The doggy tantrum that Bella threw after being told it was time to be done swimming has caused quite the stir on the internet. This video keeps picking up new viewers across the world every day. Animal lovers have delighted at seeing the antics of this silly dog who just didn't want to be done with her swim.

This Doggy Threw an Outright Tantrum

Bella is a gorgeous German Shepherd and she loves to go swimming at the pond. Getting to go for a swim is clearly one of the highlights of her life and once she gets going, she clearly does not want to stop. When Bella was out for one of her recent swims, she got very upset when she was told to get out of the pond so that they could go home.

Luckily, the entire thing was caught on video so that the world can see what a silly and stubborn dog that Bella can be when she does not want to do something. She clearly did not want to get out of that pond and that is when hilarity ensued.

A Battle of Wills Kicks Off

Bella was just having a good time when she heard that it was time to head home. She immediately gets distraught over the thought of cutting her swim short and refuses to get out of the water even though her human parents keep telling her to come on. She whines and howls and splashes around in frustration while sitting on the edge of the pond. Her human parents keep telling her to get out of the pond, but she just isn't interested in this option and tries to get back in.

In the end, it is unsure if Bella did finally come. She starts to get out of the pond but then the video ends with her turning back toward it. It is hard to say how much longer it took her human parents to get her to come home but the entire video is absolutely hilarious.

What was your reaction when you first saw Bella the German Shepherd refusing to come home after her swim? Did you burst out laughing when you saw the tantrum that she threw from being told it was time to go home? If you answered yes to these questions then please keep this video going around the web by passing it on to family and friends.

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