Dog Filmed Running After Owner Who Left Him At Shelter Finds A New Family

Nov 01, 2019 by apost team

Someone who appeared to be a dog owner in Tennessee recently dropped his beautiful Blue Heeler off in a Hawkins County Humane Society parking lot. When he came and found the shelter closed due to a quarantine, he decided to abandon the dog on the spot and simply drove away.

As reported by WHJL, the bewildered pooch jumped up on the man, who pushed the poor dog away. The dog then turned and ran after the retreating vehicle. But his efforts were in vain. Thankfully, staff members inside the shelter saw the dog. They ran outside to retrieve him and bring him into a comforting, secure environment. The shelter released the heartbreaking video of the dog being abadoned which quickly went viral.

Though the man who dropped the dog off was located, there were no charges filed against him. He said he was sorry he had left the dog. He explained that the dog was actually a stray he had found. The officers felt that the shame he received on social media would serve as his punishment. They released an email the man had written explaining his side of the story.

Fortunately, Toby, the dog, has left the sad situation behind for a better life. He was adopted by Taylor Helton. She resides on a farm close by the shelter where the dog was dumped. Right away she felt called to give Toby the forever home he deserved.

Taylor visited Toby faithfully for two weeks in a row so they could form a bond. She was chosen as his owner in spite of there being numerous other applicants. Shelter staff were impressed by her sincere interest in caring for Toby.

Toby joins a family of fifty cows, nine horses, and two more Blue Heelers. He feels right at home. Toby loves Taylor and follows her everywhere. His painful earlier life is all in the past. Now, this beloved pet spends his days making happy memories out on the farm with his younger brother and sister and devoted owner.

Are you as thrilled as we are that Toby's story has a happy ending? Do you think the man who dropped him off should have faced legal consequences, or do you agree that social media ridicule was enough of a punishment? Pass this story along to help raise awareness of the plight of countless abused and neglected animals!