Dog Clings To Owner At The Shelter When He Understands He’s Being Surrendered

Oct 07, 2020 by apost team

In this video from 2018, the story of Moses, a pit bull terrier, is revealed. He had a good run for about a year, but all that went down the drain. His new family thought long and hard of what to do when things got tough. Little did they know it was a tormenting moment for Moses. But they concluded that they would have to surrender Moses to the pound. Yet in a twist of fate, after one pound volunteer recorded a video of Moses, he was lucky to find a new home.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video.

Unfortunately, the joy of having a new home and a loving family was getting shattered for Moses. The family’s way of life had changed, and they could not take Moses with them. Even if they wanted, the smaller place they now had to call home was no place for dogs.

This family knows even their dog craved for affection and had given it everything they could until the hard decision struck. Being in their position, would you rather live on the streets or surrender your sweet friend? This family had to make the most challenging decision; they took Moses to the pound.

Few weeks before Moses returned to his old way of life, he would whimper repeatedly, and his zeal for life was all gone. Moses could understand everything when his toys, cage, and food were being ferried into the car. He knew this was his journey, and it was time for him to be surrendered.

It is hard to bid a true friend goodbye. And this was the feeling that Moses had on arrival to the pound; he seemed too clingy. If he had a way to stop this nightmare in his life, he would.

“At least someone is giving me attention,” must have been the feeling of Moses when he saw Nancy Klein, a pound volunteer taking a video of the dreadful moment. Nancy could tell Moses was pleading for her help. He walked towards Nancy and crept to her lap, which is a clear indication of Moses craving for attention.

If this dog could speak, probably he would tell Nancy, “take me home with you.” It was too bad for him because it was time to start over where he left; the shelter was his new home. But life is full of surprises; Nancy didn’t know that the video she filmed and shared on Facebook would change Moses’s life.

It went viral, and it has more than one million views. The story of Moses being surrendered touched many people. This won him affection, and lots of people wanted to give him a home and love.

It didn’t take long before another family adopted Moses. Nancy would not keep the joy. She broke the news that Moses had found a new home on her Facebook page. Who knew that Nancy’s video would give other dogs in the shelter new homes? It was amazing when people walked to the pound to adopt a dog like Moses. All the dogs are now part of loving families.

It feels perfect to be at home after a long day of work and find a loving companion waiting for your return. But it is frustrating when you have to surrender your best friend because you cannot take care of them. If only people knew animals yearn for love and a place they can call home, we would not have them stay for long in the shelters.

If you are looking for a loyal companion, a dog would be an ideal friend to have round. They are called a man’s best friend for a reason. Your dog won’t give up on you, even at the most challenging moment. It will always keep you company and wait for you passionately every evening when coming home from work. You should provide the best life and food for your dog to keep it happy and healthy.

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