Dog Approaches Deer’s Antics Earning Widespread Internet Fame

Apr 16, 2020 by apost team

When a man took his dog Yukon on its daily walk in a forest near a river, they often met with a wild deer the man called Daisy.

Daisy and Yukon often played together, but Yukon isn't interested some days, as is obvious here in this video that has had people chuckling since it was posted in 2009. 

Since its posting, this video has been viewed over 5 million times. And it's no wonder why. Not only does it feature a cute dog, Yukon, but it also showcases what some call an interspecies friendship, according to How Stuff Works. As the name suggests, an interspcies friendship occurs when two animals from different species connect. In this case, this wild deer cannot get enough of his domesticated canine friend. In fact, the deer seems so fascinated by the dog that she begins to jump every which way — almost as if she is dancing to impress the dog.

According to How Stuff Works, interspecies friendships aren't that uncommon, especially since there are dozens, if not hundreds, of great videos of different animals playing with each other. How Stuff Works, for example, not only talks about another friendship between a dog and a deer who play soccer together, but also other relationships like an orangutang who makes friends with a dog and an elephant. Now that's what I call an unlikely trio.

In this popular video, you can see Daisy doing her best to get Yukon's attention in what we might think is an attempt to establish an interspecies friendship. She approaches the dog slowly, then she hops to one side. Then, she hops to the other side.

The adorable fawn hops from side to side several times before hopping around in a circle. She prances around playfully, but Yukon just continues to look for rocks. The video ends with Yukon carrying a large rock to the side of the river, leaving Daisy with a look of defeat on her face. You feel sorry for the young deer because she tried so hard to get Yukon to play with her, but didn’t succeed.

What did you think about this funny encounter between a dog and a deer? Did you laugh? Let us know and be sure to pass this hilarious video on to your friends and family members.