Doctors Urge Parents To Stop Using Plastic Containers Due To Health Risks For Children

Aug 08, 2018 by apost team

As parents, it has become increasingly difficult to shield our children from all the dangers out there in the world. In fact, it’s become downright overwhelming. How are we supposed to navigate all the potential harms while also being able to live our lives in a somewhat stress-free state? It is definitely a hard line to balance.

Unfortunately, there is a new thing for parents to worry about, and that is the use of plastic containers. There's no need to feel dismayed or overwhelmed because this is an easy, convenient fix.

According to a new report done by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), plastics pose a risk to health. Of course, many of us have already been aware of this and already buying BPA-free plastics.

You may have already even transitioned from microwaving plastic to microwaving glass, and that’s great! The word is definitely spreading. Even Kourtney Kardashian blogged about it recently, explaining that she never uses the microwave to reheat food. Instead, she uses the oven or stovetop.

And just like Kourtney Kardashian, the Food and Drug Administration also warns people of the dangers of plastic, especially when these plastics are reheated. Unfortunately, when reheated, these plastics emit various chemicals, most notably BPA and phthalates, which doctors warn are very concerning.

Of course, if you are no longer reheating food in plastic containers, that is a step in the right direction. However, you must also be concerned about plastics that have the “microwave-safe” label on them. These, too, may be putting your family at risk.

And just who is at risk?

Unfortunately, it’s those we want to protect the most: our young.

The American Academy of Pediatrics warns that the chemical BPA in plastics “can act like estrogen in the body and potentially change the timing of puberty, decrease fertility, increase body fat, and affect the nervous system and immune systems.”

Pediatricians for the American Academy of Pediatrics also warn that phthalates “may affect male genital development, increase childhood obesity, and contribute to cardiovascular disease.”

Clearly, this is not something to be scoffed at. We could never want to expose our children to such negative long-term effects. Yet, sometimes we’re just unaware of what chemicals are being transmitted to our children.

Perhaps you didn’t realize that even putting these plastics in the dishwasher can activate these chemicals and, unfortunately, release them. Thus, it is imperative that these plastics are never heated, either in a microwave or a dishwasher. Furthermore, if you see that these plastics have become scratched or changed in color, you need to toss them.

Certainly, we all understand the popularity of these products. They’re convenient and inexpensive, but is the cost worth it when it comes to your family’s long-term health?

While it may not seem convenient to replace your plastic containers with glass ones, you may want to rethink the true cost. In fact, you don’t have to spend a fortune on glass containers. Your local discount store usually has some for a reasonable price.

We here at APost understand that being a parent is not easy. There are so many variables and things to worry about. Because of this, we don't want to inundate any parent with warnings that may be trivial. Instead, we wanted to share this simple solution, and think it would be great if you passed on this useful information to the parents you know!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!