Distracted By The Phone: Mother And Daughter Fall Into Open Sewer Hole

Oct 21, 2021 by apost team

Pure terror coursed through the veins of several people as they witnessed something truly horrifying in early October 2021 in the city of Faridabad in India. A woman and her child fell straight into an open manhole in the street. People who witnessed the event frantically rushed over to see what they could do to help as they peered shockingly into the open sewer.

It appeared that the mother was distracted by her cell phone and was talking on it as she was carrying her 1-year-old daughter. It seemed like an easy enough walk in the street, as the sidewalk didn’t seem crowded or too busy. All the mother needed to do was avoid a side cautioning people about the dangers that were directly behind it.

Unfortunately, the mother did not swerve enough out of the way and immediately started walking back in the original direction she had been going, resulting in her accidentally slipping into the sewer, phone and daughter still in her hands. They were no longer visible to other pedestrians, but fortunately, many people saw the incident and were able to jump in to help.

The incident took place on Oct. 8, 2021, and was captured by CCTV footage. The footage has since gone on to be shared on various news platforms in India, making its way to other nations in the world to warn people about the potential dangers they could encounter while out and about. They have continued to spread the message, warning people to stay alert and aware of their surroundings in order to keep themselves safe.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video 

The shocking moment that a woman and her infant child fell into an open manhole in a street in India has gone on to be seen by people from all over the world. Metro reported that the woman had appeared to be talking on the phone whilst walking past the sewer. She had been carrying her daughter in her hands as well. She appeared to be distracted by her phone call and slipped into the sewer.

Metro reported that there was a stand placed directly in front of the sewer to warn people about it, since it was completely open and big enough for someone to fall into. A camera pointed out at the street captured the horrifying moment, with the footage immediately going on to be shared on various news platforms and social media platforms to warn others about similar dangers.

Fortunately, several passersby in the street saw the terrifying accident unfold and immediately rushed over to try to help the woman and her baby.They all peered into the sewer, trying to come up with a plan. Metro reported that a young man jumped down into the open hole to help them bring them both back to the safety of the street. Both the mother and the infant survived.

Since then, the video has gone viral in India and has been shared on several different platforms, including the news outlet ETV Andhra Pradesh, to help raise awareness about the potential dangers people could face if they don’t pay enough attention while out and about.


What did you think about this story? Have you ever been distracted by your phone? Let us know, and be sure to pass this along to your family members and friends to warn them about potential dangers, too.

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