Deaf Boy Gives Two Big Thumbs Up When He Hears Dad's Voice

Nov 23, 2019 by apost team

Children who are born deaf often face challenges when trying to interact with others because of the barrier their inability to hear creates between them and the hearing world. For some kids, modern technology has allowed them to use adaptive devices to hear. This was the case for a deaf boy in Brazil named Luiz Gustavo who faced a hearing challenge even after having surgery which briefly provided him with the gift of sound.

Despite being deaf, Luiz Gustavo was able to hear after having a surgery in which doctors installed an implant in his ear. Unfortunately, the implant eventually stopped working and Luiz’s family could not afford to have it repaired or replaced. Upon hearing about Luiz’s plight, his community in Bueno Brandão, Brazil banded together to ensure that Luiz would be able to afford the technology that would allow him to hear once again according to a Rumble video.

Luiz’s dad recorded the moment when Luiz put on his hearing aid and was once again able to hear his family speaking to him. Luiz first smiles in astonishment at the moment he is able to hear again, and then quickly breaks down in tears as he is overcome with emotion.

The video of his excited reaction has garnered more than 8 million views and captures a beautiful moment when Luiz and his family are overcome with emotion and gratitude.

At the end, a still emotional Luiz turns to the camera and thanks everyone who has supported him and his quest to hear again. Send this story of a community rallying behind a family in need to someone you know who is always willing to answer the call when they are needed.