Dad Says His Son's Feet 'Melted' From Playing In A Splash Pad Park

Aug 08, 2018 by apost team

Plenty of kids and adults alike love kicking off their shoes and going barefoot in the summer. If you or someone you love can relate to that sentiment, this story can serve as a warning to you. Protective footwear is critical, even when it's hot and you're playing in the water! Doctors say that heat burns due to people playing barefoot are extremely common during the summer months.

A Virginia man named Joe Maffia sustained serious burns on the soles of his feet on a trip to the beach back in June. After just 10 seconds of walking on the pavement with no shoes, he ended up hospitalized with second-degree burns! The beach didn't post any warning signs about making sure to put your shoes on before stepping on the blacktop.

Though hot parking lots are one place feet can be injured, a lesser known potential danger zone is the splash pads kids love playing in at city parks.

A Seattle dad named Andrew Sechrist took his kids over to a park that included a splash pad so they could have some fun in the sun. His 17-month old son Jackson began screaming, which sent Andrew into a panic. Thinking the boy had fallen and gotten a typical bump or scrape, the loving dad scooped the boy up and took him away from the water. He dried the boy off, but he continued sobbing uncontrollably. That's when Andrew noticed something alarming. Jackson's little feet felt red hot. The concerned dad looked at them and was horrified to see that the skin on the soles of both feet looked melted!

The poor boy had stepped on a metal electrical gate adjacent to the splash pad area that had gotten dangerously hot in the sunlight. A local news outlet covering the story, Q13 Fox tested the temperature of the electrical grate.

It was 130 degrees Fahrenheit at the same time of day when poor little Jackson sustained his injuries!

The toddler ended up hospitalized with second-degree burns. Joe is telling his story to warn other parents about this hidden potential danger. He doesn't want anyone else to have to endure the same kind of trauma that he and little Jackson have had to go through.

What's your reaction to this story? Were you aware of the potential dangers of walking on hot pavement and electrical grates? Have you or has someone you love ever had a similar experience? We want to know your thoughts! Pass this story along to your friends and family members to warn them about the dangers of going barefoot in the summertime!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!