Dad Gets Emotional Upon Receiving A Very Special Gift From His Daughter That ‘Brought Back All The Memories’
Jan 24, 2024 by apost team
Some might consider that Christmas season is the best time of the year because it’s when families and friends often gather together to celebrate their love for one another.
Aside from a scrumptious feast with the ever-famous holiday dishes, families will also give each other gifts. One special gifting tradition is called “Secret Santa.” In this variation, people will not know who is gifting them something as lots are drawn within the group taking part. This ensures everybody gets a gift and everybody is equally involved.
One family in particular celebrated the holiday season like any other, but this one might be their most memorable one as their dad received a very special gift that made him emotional.
The story began in 1990 when Ted Lawver, a Navy veteran, was struggling to make ends meet for his family. At the time, he and his wife had a conversation about how hard it was to make a living.
Lawver spoke in an interview with NBC News where it was revealed that he had a prized possession back in the day, a Dan Marino rookie card.
“That was my absolutely favorite card,” Lawver said.
Even though it was one of his favorite things in life and it meant so much to him, he had no choice but to sell it at a comic store for only $50 in order to provide for his family.
His daughter, Lindsay Moore, recalled the time when his dad sold the card, as she said in the interview: “It was a pretty big deal… Selling that so we could have food or pay bills.”
Since then, Moore made a promise to herself that she would retrieve the card back to give it back to Lawver.
Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-)

Fast-forward to Christmas 2023. Her family held a Secret Santa, and Moore thought it was the perfect opportunity for her to give her dad the present of a lifetime.
In a video shared on TikTok, Moore’s mom could be seen reading the card that was addressed to Lawver, as he mentioned in the clip that he couldn’t read it.
“I was maybe 7 or 8 when you let me and Nick into the car to go to a comic book store, money was tight so you were selling your most prized possession, at least I viewed that at that moment. I felt your sacrifice,” the letter reads.
The letter continued, and Moore stated that after her dad sold the card, she was determined to get it back for him to have later on in life.
Lawver later opened the paper bag and after tearing the wrapping paper and opening an envelope, there he was, finally looking at the Dan Marino rookie card that he once sold for his family to survive.
Since the item was very close to his heart, Lawver couldn’t hold back his emotions and later cried in the video. He then gave Moore a hug as a thank you.
“I kinda knew what the gift was, it just brought back all the memories, it was really overwhelming,” Lawver said in the interview.
The comment section of the original video was full of love and positivity as many people shared their reactions to the simple yet emotional gift.
“What an impression he made for his kids and a real life lesson. Love this so much. 🥹❤️,” one wrote.
“Something about bringing a grown man to tears of joy always gets me 🥹,” another one wrote.
What do you think of the woman’s gift to her dad for their Secret Santa? Do you have a prized possession that you once sold in the past that you wanted to get back? Let us know your thoughts and make sure to pass this on to your friends and family.