Cute Zookeeper Melts Hearts Bottle-Feeding Baby Panda

Aug 21, 2020 by apost team

The keepers at Toronto Zoo sure do love their baby pandas. There are currently two pandas at the zoo; one is named Canadian Hope, and the other is named Canadian Joy. When they were still babies, these pandas needed to be bottle-fed. In this viral video, audiences got to see just how cute that process really is.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

Pandas aren't native to Canada by any means. In order for there to be cubs, there had to be adult pandas at the zoo — and that's why panda parents Er Shun and Da Mao were brought to Toronto, according to CTV News. Canada went wild when the cubs were born. The names, 'Canadian Hope' and 'Canadian Joy', really reflect how important these animals are to the country's sense of pride. Pandas are a miraculous thing, and these two had been born on Canadian soil.

The cuteness of the baby pandas most certainly added to their popularity. Hearts across Canada were charmed irrevokable; the Canadian Prime Minister even played with the two cubs on their first birthday

Canadian Hope Gets Hungry

The viral video featured in this article shows the male cub, little Canadian Hope, interacting with a rather attractive zookeeper. The zookeeper is holding a bottle full of baby panda food, and Candian Hope knows that this means it's mealtime.

Canadian Hope starts by trying to climb up the zookeeper's legs. He has his eyes on the bottle, and he doesn't seem to have any intention of looking away. Although Hope clearly wants a bit of independence, he can't be trusted to run off with a bottle by himself. It was time for the zookeeper to show off his impressive animal husbandry skills as he worked to get the little bear fed.

Clever Keeper Takes Control

The zookeeper knew that Hope wasn't going to stop thinking about the bottle, so he stashed it away in his pocket. Out of sight often equals out of mind, and Canadian Hope was now distracted enough to be held in his keeper's arms. Next, the zookeeper swept up the little panda into a big bear hug. Baby pandas can weigh anywhere from 90 to 130 kilograms.

When they're adults, the males can weigh as much as 160 kilograms, and the females average an equally impressive 125 kilograms. They may be babies, but these pandas are far from small. Still, the zookeeper manages to make it look like Canadian Hope weighs almost nothing at all. Before feeding the bear, he brings him closer to the crowd and gives them a chance to see just how cute the little animal really is.

A Pefect Parenting Moment

If this video is to be believed, feeding a panda isn't really that different from feeding any other baby. The zookeeper rocks Canadian Hope back in his arms and brings the bottle up to the bear's mouth. Like a human baby, Canadian Hope instinctively reaches for the bottle and grabs it while he feeds. Just to be safe, the zookeeper maintains his hold on the back of the bottle the entire time. After all, pandas have paws, not hands.

Canadian Hope drinks his entire meal in less than a minute's time. The zookeeper checks his nails, whispers sweet things to him, and even burps him on the back before setting the little bear down to play.

The Online World Loves This Panda

The comments on this feeding video show just how enthralled the world is by Canadian Hope. Many of them were excited to see the zookeeper acting like a parent. One user said that "this young man is certainly ready for Fatherhood for his own children." Another user echoed the sentiment: "The caretaker looks like a troubled single father who struggles between his day job and caring for his little baby,"

Most users thought that the scene was heartwarming and sweet. One person said, "I love this man- he has such a caring heart." Another comment was full of good wishes: "So nice. The caretaker loves the panda like his own child. May God bless him." Everything about this video is adorable. With a caretaker like that, Canadian Hope and his sister are sure to grow up as loving and sweet residents of the Toronto Zoo.

Do you love these pandas as much as Canada does? Talk about them in the comments, and don't forget to tell your friends about this adorable sight.

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