Cruel Teens Break Pup's Leg and Set It on Fire, But Dog Miraculously Survives It All

Apr 25, 2019 by apost team

Some instances of animal cruelty are so sad and shocking that you're momentarily stunned. How could someone harm a living, breathing animal for fun? Especially when that animal is a small, defenseless dog.

According to the Daily Mail, that's what happened to a tiny Chihuahua named Chunky in 2015. Four British teenagers stole Chunky from his loving family and spent days tormenting him. His story is hard to hear, but keep in mind that it has a happy ending.

After stealing Chunky, the teens -- three 16-year-olds and a 15-year-old -- admitted to everything they'd done. They took turns beating the pup with their fists and feet. They gave him drugs.

They burned the poor dog's face and eyes, and they broke his leg. Eventually, the deranged teens broke Chunky's neck. They thought they'd killed him. Believing him to be dead, they left him at a local dump as if he were trash. 


Amazingly, Chunky survived the entire ordeal.

Someone rescued Chunky and he was placed with the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Caroline Doe, the RSPCA inspector who dealt with Chunky's case told the Daily Mail:

"The whole thing sends shivers down my spine. The defendants may have been young and confessed to being under the influence of drugs but the cruelty they inflicted on this poor dog was extreme, barbaric and inexcusable."

The youths who committed these heinous acts admitted to being on drugs at the time, but that's no excuse for the sheer amount of torture they put him through. According to the RSPCA, it left him depressed and traumatized.

As Chunky recovered, the authorities were able to locate his family and reunite them. He continues to recover emotionally -- he's a little wary of people he doesn't know, but he's still a sweet, loving dog.

As for the teens who did this, they were found guilty of animal cruelty. Their punishment? They're not legally allowed to own animals for five years. They also had to pay a fine.

Watch Chunky amazing recovery in the video below:

Do you think that punishment is enough, considering what Chunky went through? What do you think should be done in cases like this? We would like to hear your thoughts and ideas. Also, show this story to your friends to spread awareness and to make sure they will look out for their pets!