Cowboy & Girlfriend Both Receive Golden Tickets For 'Shallow' Audition On 'Idol'

Aug 26, 2021 by apost team

It's always exciting to watch potential hopefuls audition for "American Idol" and other such singing competition shows, but when a duo auditions together, there's an element of suspense, as it's not always certain that both people will make it through to the next round. 

That happened when a couple consisting of "Space Cowboy" Alejandro "Alex" Garrido and Kat Luna entered the audition stage for "American Idol" in March of 2020. Instantly, the judges — Katy Perry, Lionel Richie and Luke Bryan — were gobsmacked at how gorgeous this pairing was. Bryan remarked: “Good Lord are we filming like a soap opera or is it ‘American Idol Ken and Barbie'?”

The couple told the judges how they met, which was at their church. Garrido, who now goes by the stage name Alex Georgia, plays in the church band, and one day Luna's friend made her add him as a friend on social media. The rest, as they say, is history.

Their background only endeared them even more to the judges, with Perry absolutely loving their story, while Bryan added, "Your babies are gonna be beautiful." He's certainly not wrong!

But the couple, who goes by the name "Kat and Alex" were there to perform. Choosing one of the biggest duet ballads of recent years, they announced they'd be singing "Shallow," from the hit movie "A Star Is Born." Just before they began, Perry joked to Luna that she should look at Garrido as if she's Lady Gaga and he's Bradley Cooper, to which Luna said that would be no problem at all.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

With Garrido playing the guitar and singing the song's first lines, the mood was already set. But once Luna opened her voice and later in the song belted out the song's high notes, the judges were truly stunned. This was not only an incredibly gorgeous couple but they are both immensely talented! Right after they finished, the judges couldn't contain how much they'd each fallen in love with the couple. Perry told them:

"You guys are both gonna be like, in the Top Ten if you want."

Both Garrido and Luna looked at each other in disbelief, while Bryan still couldn't believe what he saw, adding, "Are you real people?" After sharing some laughs, it was judgment time and the question of whether one or both of the couple would make it through was still up in the air. 

Separating them as they have to do, Luna was up on the chopping block first, but as the judges went through, they voiced a unanimous "yes," confirming that she would receive a golden ticket to Hollywood. Then it was Garrido's turn and once again, all three judges gave a resounding "yes!" Not only are they the sweetest couple, but they're equally talented and both deserved to make it further in the competition.

But what makes their story even sweeter is that the two members of Kat and Alex got married less than one year after appearing on the show. After becoming engaged late last year, the couple got hitched in Jan. 2021 and appear to be happier than ever. Now living in Nashville, Tennessee, and performing as Kat and Alex, we're sure it's not the last we'll see of these two gorgeous and talented people!

Congratulations to Alex Garrido and Kat Luna! What did you think of their "American Idol" audition? If you enjoyed this then pass it on so others can witness their talents too!

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