Couples Who End Up Staying Together Forever Take These 13 Secrets Seriously

May 07, 2019 by apost team

Most couples expect to remain together forever after their wedding ceremony. Following the honeymoon phase, however, some couples learn that marriage requires a lot more dedication and perseverance that they had previously thought. Whether a couple has been together for five months or fifty years, it's important to know what factors help a relationship past the test of time. Here are some important considerations for those couples who want to last forever.

1. Fighting Isn't Necessarily Bad

Many couples make the mistake of assuming that all fights are bad for a relationship. In reality, the right amount of fighting can actually keep a couple closer together. This sounds counterintuitive at first, but it makes sense after careful consideration. Instead of keeping all of your disagreements and anger bottled up, it's better to let your partner know what you're thinking.

Dr. Steven Craig, an author and clinical psychologist, recommends that couples use "I" statements when engaging in an argument. This keeps the focus and blame on yourself rather than projecting problems onto your spouse.

These statements can help keep an argument from escalating out of control and into a toxic space. Name calling, accusations, and yelling should all be avoided as well. If you and your spouse aren't able to come to an agreement at the end of the discussion, there is nothing to worry about. Agreeing to disagree is actually a viable solution.

2. Try Not to Fight While on Vacation

Although fighting can be a productive engagement when handled properly, there are times when this confrontation will only yield negative results. Traveling as a couple is naturally stressful without the addition of any relationship drama. Instead of fighting on vacation, it's advisable for couples to ignore the problem if possible.

3. Couples Don't Have to Be Together All the Time

Some couples make the mistake of spending every waking (and sleeping) minute together. No matter how much you love your significant other, spending too much time together can lead to unnecessary quarrels and other potential issues. It's good to have your own space.

4. Don't Forget to Spend Time Together

Everybody in a relationship knows that spending time alone can be a great experience. You get to plan according to your own wants and needs without considering the desires of another person.

While this time alone is crucial in a relationship, it's equally important to spend time with your significant other. It's dangerous to allow the time spent alone to outweigh the time spent together.

5. Give Hello and Goodbye Kisses.

There's nothing more romantic than hello and goodbye kisses. Every morning before you leave for work, give your significant other a kiss to let him or her know you care. After a long day at work, make sure to offer another kiss.

6. Offer Forgiveness

Nobody is perfect. This is especially true when managing a long-term relationship. You should be willing to grant forgiveness when it is necessary.

7. Become Good Friends

Romantic couples should be more than lovers. Finding a significant other that is also your best friend is truly a special bond. Best friends are there for each other no matter what.

8. Help Each Other Out

A relationship is only as strong as each individual. When one half of a relationship needs help, the other half has a duty to offer their help and support. For example, you could help cook dinner one night when your significant other is swamped at work. Couples won't always be at the top of their game at the same time.

9. Protect Each Other

Having a long-term relationship is about protecting and caring for another person unconditionally. When someone makes a negative comment about your significant other, make sure to stand up in his or her defense.

10. Profess Your Love

It's always nice to hear those three magic words: "I love you".

11. Treat the In-Laws Like Family

Unfortunately, you can't choose the family of your significant other. It's a good idea to treat these people like family because they will be around for a while.

12. Be Spontaneous

Relationships can become boring and dull after some time. In order to keep things interesting, it's important for couples to remain spontaneous.

13. Be Thoughtful

There's nothing more exciting and romantic than receiving a thoughtful gift. You don't have to wait for special holidays or birthdays to exchange presents. If you're at the store, consider purchasing a nice bouquet of flowers or box of chocolates. These small gestures can help your spouse know that you love him or her.

Did any of these secrets to a lasting relationship resonate with you? Let us know in the comments and pass this along to your friends and family to see what they think!