Couple Flying Home With Newly Adopted Infant Get Impromptu Baby Shower From Fellow Passengers

Mar 01, 2020 by apost team

Dustin and Caren Moore were flying home to California from Colorado with a newborn baby girl. As infants do, she started crying, and not wanting to disturb the other passengers, the couple asked the flight attendant where they could change the distressed baby's diaper.

The flight attendant showed them a place in the back of the plane to change the baby girl and asked some causal questions about why they were traveling with such a young baby. The couple revealed they had just adopted the infant after ten years of trying to conceive and exhausting all possible assisted fertility options.

Babies cry

As reported by KTLA Los Angeles, the couple returned to their seats, relieved their new baby was now quietly sleeping. They had spent an exhausting week of traveling, filling out paperwork, and finally, they were going home with their daughter. Although nervous and stressed, they were also excited about starting their new life together.

Impromptu baby shower

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A few minutes later, another flight attendant came by and congratulated the happy couple. The flight attendant then made an announcement over the intercom about the special guest they had on board.

Then, to the couples' delighted astonishment, the other passengers on the plane threw an impromptu baby shower, offering the couple hand-drawn congratulations cards made out of napkins, small gifts, and even money. One man introduced himself and said he had been adopted 68 years ago and it was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

Trivia night facts about adoption

Infertility affects 10 to 15% of the population, with increasing rates after the age of 30. Men and women are affected in approximately equal proportions. Infertility treatments depend on the cause and may involve surgery, hormonal treatments, artificial insemination, or in vitro fertilization. In some cases, couples resort to donated sperm or eggs. However, infertility treatment frequently fails, and in that case, couples who desire to raise a child will need to consider the option of adoption.

There are millions of children available for adoption worldwide today, and adopting a child from the foster care system is usually relatively easy and cheap. The easiest route is to be approved as a foster parent, foster the child for a period of time, and then apply to adopt. In some states, it can cost less than $100 for a foster parent to file for adoption.

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Couples who insist on adopting a newborn through a private adoption agency are likely to face many additional challenges, including hefty fees and prolonged waiting periods before a newborn is put up for adoption. The average private infant adoption costs over $40,000.

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