Couple Are Dared To Swing Dance To The 'Macarena' And Bring The House Down With Their Moves

Aug 22, 2020 by apost team

In January of 2020, two dancers wowed the crowds at the BudaFest dance event held in Budapest, Hungary. Emeline Rochefeuille and Jordan Frisbee made the crowd cheer with their swing rendition of Macarena. They were randomly paired together, and improvised the entire crowd-pleasing number.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-)

BudaFest is an unusual dance event in which partners are randomly paired moments before taking to the dance floor. Jordan Frisbee was no exception. Once his partner was randomly chosen, he looked visibly relieved as he embraced her.

After Emeline Rochefeuille’s name was drawn, the pair got to listen to a short song snippet. Their facial expressions revealed that they were both carefully focusing on the music. There was one excellent reason for their concentration; they were going to dance to the chosen tune.

The couple chose to move on from the first selection. After hearing the second choice, the host joked, “You don’t know what that was,” as he performed a few relevant moves. The pair then knew they wanted to dance to Los Del Río’s swing version of the 90s dance tune Macarena

As the couple took their places on the dance floor, there was quite a bit of excitement surrounding them. After all, they had been paired moments before and had even less time to think about the music. They also had absolutely no rehearsal time to work out some moves for their improvisation.

Although they are professional dancers, improvising an entire routine is still quite a feat! Looking at them owning the space and performing dance moves as if they were speaking or breathing was so inspiring. The two even managed to have a great time!

As the routine unfolded, the crowd was enthralled. The couple had risen to the challenge, and everyone was having a wonderful time basking in the glow of their success. When it was over, everyone beamed, and the auditorium shook with thunderous applause.

Emeline and Jordan’s routine brought talent, style, and remarkable showmanship center stage. What do you think of the pair’s marvelous improv? Take a few moments and inspire others by passing this video on.

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