Cop Spots Boy Walking In Bloody Socks, Inspires Others With Heartwarming Response

Jul 22, 2018 by apost team

As they go about their daily routines, many police officers face daily opportunities to act as unsung heroes. Every once in a while one of these moments is captured on camera and shared with the world, giving us a glimpse of the dedication many cops feel toward those they serve.

Just such an event took place in Tukwila, Washington, involving two anonymous police officers and a little boy. The heartwarming story brought smiles to countless faces.

When they were passing by a local park in town, the two cops noticed a little boy running around. His footwear, or lack thereof, is what caught their eye. He didn't have any shoes on his feet. Instead, he was wearing filthy socks, one of which was soaked in blood from a significant-sized gash.

The officers immediately snapped into action. They got out their first-aid kit and carefully washed and bandaged the boy's hurt foot. When they discovered the reason for his condition, they took their compassion for the boy a step further.

He told them that he didn't have any shoes to wear because he had outgrown his only pair.

That's when one of the officers proceeded to go out and buy him a brand new pair of shoes while the other officer waited with the boy at the park. Talk about going out of your way to serve the greater good!

To top it all off, the sergeant brought the boy another surprise. It was a box of popsicles to help keep him cool down and stay comfortable in the heat! The three talked and laughed together over their summer snack before the officers started out on their way.

Not wanting to draw attention to themselves, the police officers declined to share their names when the story broke on social media and was picked up by local news stations. They didn't want any praise or notoriety, they were just doing what good cops do best, which is seeing and responding to the needs of those around them.

If you found this story inspiring, feel free to pass it along to others. Perhaps it will help them to be more aware of how they can lend a hand to someone in need or how they can thank your local police officers for their selfless service!