Confident People Never Do These 5 Things

Jan 04, 2019 by apost team

When we perceive people as being confident or charismatic, it’s understandable that we want to be like them. We want to duplicate their behaviors or at least portray that same type of belief in ourselves that we admire in them.

However, exhibiting confidence is not something that people may actually do. Often, it’s more about what they don’t do that makes us believe they are very high in self-esteem. Here are 5 things confident people will avoid because such behaviors aren’t needed to make them feel good about themselves:

1. They don’t need to make assumptions or judgmental statements about others.

When a person has a love of himself or herself, there is nothing to be gained from jumping to conclusions about another person’s actions or motivations. There is no reason to be judgmental, which means that you are evaluating a characteristic, statement, or action about another person as being more or less valuable compared to something else.

2. They don’t need to hide behind excuses.

A person who meets his daily responsibilities and, alternatively, admits when he cannot or will not be able to fulfill them, does not need to make excuses. Not following through on a task is merely a simple assessment of what he has accomplished or could accomplish in a day. A confident person will just find another time to do things for others or will let others know that it won’t be done. There is no judgment of good or bad about it. A confident person does not feel the need to seek validation for his or her daily decisions.

3. They don’t vie for the attention or comfort of others.

A person who loves herself can proceed through her day doing preferred activities, or even work, without needing to be comforted or validated by others. In other words, there is not the limiting thought that, if I complete this task or do this action, it will be acknowledged. Things are done purposefully by a confident person, and then they move on to the next activity. Many confident types stand out for enjoying the present moment too because they don’t waste time worrying about things that are clearly beyond their control.

4. The absence of something does not stop them from moving forwards to achieve a goal.

When a confident person has a goal to achieve, there may be a lack of resources that would make it difficult to move forward. However, such a dearth won’t be anything more than a problem that must be solved. A confident person believes that success is possible, is not afraid of hard work, and will find the resources or make do without them. There is always a method for completing the goal, even if requires getting suggestions from others.

5. They are not afraid of conflict.

People who believe in themselves usually have a good understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. They may find themselves in situations that are unexpected and that, if handled poorly, could upset their day or stop them from meeting their goals.

However, confidence is not about winning over others at all costs. It’s not about putting your needs completely ahead of others. It’s about making your way forward, doing what’s best for you, and being sensitive to and respectful of the needs of others along the way. If a problem must be ironed out, a confident person will communicate honestly about it with others. However, there will be no excuses or apologizing for his feelings.

After reading this list, are you inspired to be more confident? Let us know in the comments and pass this along to your friends and loved ones to inspire them in the same way!