Color-Blind Photographer Sheds Tears After Putting On Glasses That Let Him See Color For First Time

Apr 25, 2019 by apost team

Everyone has their own unique struggles in life. Whether you deal with mental health issues, physical health complications or other hardships in life, everyone’s struggle is different. No two lives will ever look the same. It’s up to us whether we make the best of our lives or dwell on our struggles.

One photographer named David Wilder decided to make the best of his unique situation when he became a photographer despite having color-blindness. Wilder’s chosen subject to photograph are landscapes, and he enjoys his career thoroughly.

Wilder has learned to live with his condition and never complains about not being able to see the world as it is seen by others around him. But when Wilder finally got a pair of the life-altering glasses called EnChroma, he was able to see vivid colors surrounding him for the first time ever.

Some may actually believe that Wilder’s condition allows him to be a better photographer. Instead of focusing on the colors of the image, he thinks about lighting, technique, and composition. In fact, Wilder happens to live by the amazing sight known as Banff National Park, located in Alberta, Canada.

But when he put on the glasses for the first time, he was shocked and in awe of the world around him. It had never occurred to Wilder before that he could have been missing out on so much of the world around him by not seeing the true colors of objects.

"This is what you see?" he asked in a quote to Storytrender.

At first, he was overwhelmed by all of the new sights and had to take a few moments to adjust. He was shocked that the EnChroma glasses allowed him to see what others get to see every single day.

Products like those glasses and other unique objects that are created to help those with disabilities and health conditions are amazing and can be life-changing to those that use them. But if we've learned anything from Wilder’s story, it just proves that no matter what hardships you go through in life, you should never be afraid to follow your dreams.

It’s possible to strive for any career as long as you try hard enough and work through your struggles.

You can learn more about WIlder’s story in the video below:

What do you think when seeing someone experiencing something this beautiful for the first time? What are your personal struggles that you strive to work through? Let us know in the comments and don't forget to show this story to your loved ones to spread the positive message.