College Students Buy Moldy Couch For $20, Notice Lump In Cushion And Find Long Lost Treasure

Feb 04, 2019 by apost team

We’ve all been there at one time or another: you’re just starting out in life, you’re strapped for cash, but you still need a place to sit. That’s when thrift stores and Craigslist and other means of buying cheap, used furniture come in handy.

But you’ll never believe what happened when three young college kids bought a moldy couch for $20. They discovered a hidden treasure worth far more than that.

Reese, Lara, and Cally share a small apartment in New York, and, like most college kids, they’re a bit house poor. So when it came time to furnish the place, they headed straight for the thrift stores.

At the Salvation Army, they finally discovered a couch that would fit their tight quarters back home. Unfortunately, it was unattractive and reeked, but beggars can’t be choosers. So the threesome shelled out $20 and lugged the stinking, deformed couch home.

The couch served its purpose as a place to lounge and watch television, but one day, the students sensed something unusual in the couch cushions. Reese flipped up the arm of the couch and found a zipper. He pulled something out…$4,000 dollars in cold, hard cash!

After that, the kids searched the couch thoroughly. More and more money emerged from the depths of the moldy furniture. By the time they were done with their treasure hunt, these college students had a grand total of $40,000 in bills.

Along with that money, the kids found a bank statement, and on that statement was the owner’s name. They now knew who the money really belonged to. It would be very tempting to keep all that cash, especially when you can’t afford better than a $20 couch.

These kids, however, mustered the will to do the right thing and called the number on that statement. They had discovered a man’s life savings, which he has socked away in the cushions until the day he died. Only his wife knew about it. Unfortunately, his daughter didn’t. The daughter took the couch to the Salvation Army without checking with Mom!

Reese, Lara, and Cally were not without their reward, however. When they returned the money to the widow, she let them each keep a cool grand.

This is the kind of wild story you’ll probably want to talk about with your friends. Be sure to let us know what you think of it as well in the comments below. What would you have done in this situation?