Coach Catches 9-Year-Old Gymnast Midair Rescuing Her From Potentially Disastrous Fall

Mar 12, 2020 by apost team

Chad Buczek, a gymnastics coach from Massachusetts showed just how much he cares for his protégés when he saved one of them from a potentially disastrous fall.

Nine-year-old Cherrish Ramos was in the middle of her routine when she accidentally veered off the vault earlier this month at the Nashville Nights Gymnastics Tournament in Tennessee.

Coaches have a way of bringing out the best in their athletes. Much like teachers, coaches also teach those under their tutelage valuable life lessons, imparting not just sports knowledge, but also how to be a better person.

Chad Buczek is the owner of Metro South Gymnastics Academy in Canton. When Chad traveled to the Nashville Nights Gymnastics Tournament in Tennessee, he got a little more than he bargained for with one of his athletes. When one of the kids that Chad trains, 9-year-old Cherrish Remy, nearly fell during her routine, Chad swept in to save the little girl.

The entire incident was captured by Cherrish’s mom, Justine Ramos. As Cherrish runs at the springboard, she misses the mark and begins to veer away from the safety of the mat. As Justine and the crowd audibly gasps, Chad rushes in and catches the little girl, keeping her from falling to the floor below.

At only 11 seconds long, the video is quick but has nonetheless become the talk of many major news outlets. Most praise the young coach for how carefully he watched young Cherrish and his quick reflexes. In an interview with Inside Edition, Justine joked that it wasn’t the first time that Chad saved her little girl from serious injury.

Ever modest, Chad says that as an experienced coach, he noticed that Cherrish was heading for a dangerous situation. Confessing that it happens fairly often with his kids, Chad did what he always does in such a situation and stepped-in before Cherrish could sustain a major injury.

Nevertheless, Chad is glad that the video has become a viral hit. While he is not too comfortable being in the spotlight, Chad is glad to be part of any story that shines a positive light on gymnastics.

As for Cherrish, the little girl says that the near injury hasn’t sullied her enthusiasm for gymnastics in the least bit. Cherrish says that her gymnastics role model is Simone Biles. She is impressed by Biles’ Olympic career and how she has broken numerous records in the sport.

What do you think of how Chad caught Cherrish before she could sustain a major injury? Have there been any coaches in your life that have gone the extra mile for you? Let us know in the comments - and make sure you pass this along to your friends and family!