Clean Your Mattress With Two Simple Things

Nov 07, 2018 by apost team

Did you know that a mattress is easy to clean without using any chemical additives? Just follow these instructions and try it out! You'll see how wonderful it can be to finally lie on a clean bed!

If you pay attention to your physical well-being and health, your mattress must also be completely clean and hygienic. Especially the accumulation of millions of house dust mites during the cold season and similar things it can lead to serious problems. Allergy sufferers in particular have to struggle daily with serious health problems such as swollen eyes, a sore throat, blocked nose, and coughing.

This cough can then even turn into true asthma attacks and shortness of breath due to the mucus build-up inside their lungs. Often your ability to breath is badly impacted!

Normally the bed linen is changed once a week. But what about the mattress? It's usually forgotten. From now on change this habit!

3-Step Instructions For Cleaning Your Mattress!

To make it work perfectly, you only need two things: 1 cup of baking powder and 4-5 drops of essential oil with the smell you love.

1. Large preserving jar. A kitchen sieve and a vacuum cleaner are also required. This mixture is enough for a single mattress. Please increase the dosage for larger mattresses accordingly.

Put the baking powder together with the oil into the preserving jar. Shake the glass well. Powder and oil should be completely mixed. Sift the finished baking powder-oil mixture homogeneously onto the entire mattress using the above-mentioned kitchen sieve. Please make sure that no spots are missed. Spread it all over!

Now we have to wait. The waiting time should be at least 1 hour so that the mixture can work perfectly. Then you pick up your vacuum cleaner and vacuum the mattress thoroughly. The best way to do this is to attach the small part to the pipe that was supplied as an accessory when you bought the vacuum cleaner. In this way, no grain of baking powder will be lost.

All done!

Now your mattress is finally cleaned and you didn't have to use any chemicals to clean it. Fantastic! It is best to clean your mattress at least once a month so that you always have a clean mattress and a clean bed.

This cleaning method is also recommended for the couch. Just try it out!

Tell the bugs and creepy-crawlies that try to find shelter in your mattress to shove off and destroy them. Unfortunately, they are not visible with the naked eye, at most under the microscope.

One thing is for sure, they reproduce quickly and lay their eggs everywhere, just like fleas on our beloved pets. They even feed on those tiny skin cells you shed in your sleep without noticing. These vermin become a real problem especially during the cold season, when we turn on the heating again.

Please do something quickly, clean the mattress and repeat this cleaning procedure at least once a month. After some time you will achieve the results you were looking for. Good luck!

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