Claire Wineland Dies At 21 But Leaves Behind Positive And Inspiring Message To The World

Dec 26, 2018 by apost team

Claire Wineland finally lost her battle with cystic fibrosis at 21 years of age. However, before leaving this world the young woman left a permanent and positive impression on everyone she met. Not long before her death, Ms. Wineland gave an impassioned speech that inspired all in attendance. Fortunately, her speech was recorded for the benefit of us all.

Wineland begins her speech by imploring others to not pity individuals who are chronically ill. She explained she was sick and would probably be so until her last days. However, the young woman assured listeners she was completely happy and content with the life she was given.

Wineland next discussed the need to change the way we view individuals who are diagnosed with serious illnesses. She told the crowd that as a community we should start thinking of ways to empower individuals with illnesses and not pity them. She explained that pity only communicated to them that they are not to be as happy as everyone else.

Ms. Wineland told a story of her childhood. She was maybe seven or eight years old at the time. She recalls laying in her hospital bed and flipping through a magazine. She was fascinated by the picture of a woman in a beautiful loft style apartment. She recalled wishing at that time that she could trade places with the woman.

The resilient spirit of Ms. Wineland took over and she decided to not wish that she was somewhere else. She decided to make her hospital room the place she longed to be. She sent her nanny on a trip to Target for supplies and the two of them gave the hospital room a total makeover.

Ms. Wineland admits she made her nanny and her nurses extremely nervous due to the physical exertion she committed. She says, in the end, all the doctors and nurses in the hospital came to see her room and were amazed.

Ms. Wineland tells that she learned from the experience that patients, doctors, and nurses have all been conditioned to view hospital rooms as cold and sterile places absent of joy. She said these places are viewed as places only for sickness and the possibilities that exist in them are never explored.

Ms. Wineland explained that she thinks many people, unfortunately, live their lives in the same manner. You should listen to the complete speech now to see how she tied the thoughts together. You will be better for it.

Your Thoughts

Were you inspired by the words and outlook of Claire Wineland? Send the video of her speech to friends. Everyone can benefit from the wise words of Ms. Wineland.