Choose Someone Who's Willing To Fight For Your Love Even Though It's Not Always Easy

Nov 14, 2018 by apost team

Tales of love in romance books and movies often come to an end with the lovers prancing off into the sunset for a happily ever after, leaving the real world to imagine the pair living out the remainder of their lives in some blissful state without conflict, worry, or struggle. In reality, however, the tale of love doesn’t end upon merely declaring it exists or upon some grandiose romantic gesture. It’s a constant battle to keep what you’ve found.

Unfortunately, love isn’t the fairytale of falling in love equating to a lifetime of perpetual, unchallenged happiness. A real love story is going to be ladened with arguments, disagreements, trials, tribulations, and mistakes. It’s not a matter of if... it’s a matter of what becomes of these happenings.

As a couple, you’ll face a plethora of stumbling blocks that can easily throw you off the path of happiness. True love will have the battle scars to prove it. Perfection doesn’t exist within love’s realm. Relationships are going to have some disappointment, suffering, and pain because it’s impossible to feel happiness without it’s counterpart of sadness.

Stop worrying that your relationship doesn’t sound like the scenes from movies and books. It’s not the stuff of fairytales that validates your love nor gives merit to your relationship. In fact, it’s the fact that you do see the imperfections that makes it real.

The things which come easily in life are rarely appreciated, seldom valued, and often end up being a complete bore. Without challenges, love wouldn’t be special. It wouldn’t be exciting. It wouldn’t even be worth having, much less fighting for in life. The best and most precious things in life challenge you to fight to keep them.

Forget Prince Charming always being at the right place and saying the right thing. You don’t need such a narrative for happiness. What you do need is a partner who values, understands, and accepts the complete and authentic you. They, too, will realize that things aren’t always going to be smooth sailing, and this person will be ready to face those challenges side-by-side with you. They won’t look at love through rose-colored glasses, and they’ll be ready to take a leap of faith that it, or rather you, will still be worth the inevitable times that the seas are rough.

Fantasy characters depict a notion that love is lopsided, with one always being right or wrong and one always being the savior or distressed. This type of scenario leaves little room for individual and mutual growth and improvement. It leaves no room for the real struggles and emotions of real life.

Wouldn’t you rather have a person willing to stand by your side in both the darkest and brightest moments, not feel they need to either save you or leave you every time things aren’t picture-perfect? Wouldn’t you rather have someone willing to love and support you when you’re at both your best and worst? Wouldn’t you rather have someone with the humility to know they’re not always right or perfect, they’re as flawed as anyone else, and that there’s always room for apologies and improvements? If yes, then stop looking toward the ideals of fantasy and start appreciating the attributes of a partner willing to continually improve themselves for the sake of their love for you.

Seldom do fantasy characters have real life woes. They’re usually rich, successful, and healthy without effort. Know that it doesn’t matter if you have all these things or not, life can change in the blink of an eye. Will you be as attractive to your partner poor as rich and sick as healthy? Will they change if their status changes from turmoil to successful? It’s these types of scenarios that make all couples vulnerable. Don’t be complacent and feel love is a given or something without effort and preparation. Prepare as best you can, but also realize that they’ll always be those unexpected hurdles along the way to test your devotion, faith, and love for one another.

They’ll be rainbows and sunny days, but there will also be darkness and storms. Love doesn’t mean you’ll always handle these situations the same. Despite love forming a bond of unity, you’ll always be individuals with individual personalities and thoughts. The strength of love isn’t in the frequency of these occasions. It’s not even in the effort to avoid these occasions of conflict. The strength of love is in how these occasions are responded to by each and how forward progression is made together.

Greek Philosopher Epictetus said, "It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters." 

The response is and will always be yours alone. How you respond to the trials of love, whether you choose to fight for it or expect it to be served on an effortless fairytale platter, is up to you. Love is a constant struggle, and you will have to fight for it to survive. If it’s real, however, you’ll know it’s always worth the fight.

Are you expecting a fairytale love, or are you prepared to fight for the real deal? Leave us your thoughts and opinions in the comments, and pass this along if you know someone else looking for Prince Charming so hard that they may be overlooking the real love of their life.