Choose A Woman Who Is A 'Fixer' - It Will Be The Best Decision Of Your Life

Dec 19, 2018 by apost team

The best people you can find are not always the most attractive or possess the most material wealth. The best people you can find are those capable of making you feel great about yourself regardless of how you look or the money you have. The best people are those that love you despite knowing you are a broken individual.

Most of us have made the wrong choice in romantic partners at one time or another. There is much potential for pain when the wrong person is chosen and we then expect to be loved and cherished by this person. However, you can avoid these mistakes by choosing a girl that is a 'fixer.'

I am sure you wonder why a girl that likes to fix people is the right choice for you. She is the right choice because she will never give up on you despite the hardships that come your way.

The girl that fixes things will not quit easily. She will not abandon you once seeing your bad side. She understands that you are only human. She will remain loyally by your side when everyone else is long gone.

She will always be able to see the best in you because she is willing to go beneath the surface and find the true goodness in your heart. The girl who fixes people will see things in you that you have not found yourself. She will show you what you are capable of. She'll inspire you!

She will not lose hope in you despite all the others who might say you are a lost cause. Others may also tell her she can not help you but she will continue to try. She knows that all people deserve love and will need to be taken care of from time to time. She will never stop her efforts to mend the many breaks in you.

She will make available to you the same ability to heal she used on herself. She is a fixer because she was once the broken person. She loved herself back from dark places and is now able to give this gift to others. This gift is her legacy.

She sees the imperfections in you and all human beings as their most valuable parts. She understands that the many imperfections present in us all are the things that make us who we are.

When others might leave, she will stay. She does so because leaving is hard for her. It is easier for her to forgive.

You will realize she is not only capable of healing you but extends this gift to everyone around her. She will not only fix you but will also seek to fix the people you care about. She will help your family and friends because she understands what their well-being means to you. Her investment is not only in the relationship you have with her but will include family and community.

The job for her is not finished once the fixing is done. It can never be over, you were always more than just a job. You are the object of her affections and it makes her happy to invest the love and kindness she possesses into you. Before long, you will join her on her quest to save the broken people of the world.

You will learn through her actions that true happiness comes from bringing happiness to others. The generosity and determination she displays will encourage you to display the heroism to others she has shown you.

Have you ever met a woman like the one mentioned in the article? Did she change you for the better? If so, tell us your story in the comments and be sure to pass this on to your friends so they know what to look for in a woman.