CEO Only Hires Disadvantaged Or Homeless People After He Built Company While He Was Living On The Streets

Dec 19, 2019 by apost team

Drew Goodall experienced the rapid rise and fall of fame in his acting career. One minute he was getting more roles than he could fulfill and his phone just didn’t ring at all the next minute. In his 20s and without any acting work nor other workforce skills, Drew couldn’t afford to keep his home. He suddenly found himself living on the streets of London.

After Goodall started shining people's shoes to make quick cash he was able to build a business out of it. Now, Goodall is paying his time on the streets back by only hiring other people who were in his same position. 

Meet Drew Goodall: From Actor... To Homeless... To CEO

According to BBC Stories, a stranger, who often walked by Drew sitting on the street, offered him a few words that would once again change his life. The stranger mentioned that Drew could clean shoes in London. With only the expense of a brush and some polish, Drew thought it was feasible.

While he was only polishing worker’s shoes passing his corner, London’s hawking laws made his business illegal because it didn’t have a legitimate office or workspace. Drew could’ve been arrested. Thankfully, one of Drew’s regular customers stepped in to offer him a suitable working space so he wouldn’t have to work in secret and could earn enough money to get off the streets.

This kindness changed Drew’s life, and Sunshine Shoeshine was officially born. It took years of dedication and hard work, but Drew’s business is now making a profitable income.

Drew’s shoe-cleaning company hasn’t forgotten those currently wearing the shoe of homelessness. So, Drew is giving others a helping foot. He only hires the homeless and those struggling to prevent it for themselves.

Alan is one of Drew’s employees, and he calls the job a saving grace that’s restored his purpose. He has poor sight and suffers with mental health issues, but, thanks to his job, he feels more human, confident, and like he has a future again.

Sunshine Shoeshine is also providing Alan with a resume, proving skills and abilities, that can use to expand his employment horizons even further in the future.

Drew has been very clear that the wrong/ problem isn’t in others being so quick to judgment as he told the BBC. The real problem here is in being aware of all the homeless and disadvantaged endure and still not being able to set judgment aside long enough to offer a simple helping handling someone in desperate need.

While Drew has managed to get back on his feet with a few helping hands and is certainly doing his part to extend that hand to others, there remains many in need. 

Isn’t Drew’s comeback story amazing? Tell us your thoughts in the comment section, and please don’t forget to pass this story along to others in need of some inspiration during a dark time or as encouragement to help others along during dark times.