Caterina Scorsone Honors 3-Year-Old Daughter Pippa In Heartfelt Down Syndrome Advocacy Essay

Oct 29, 2020 by apost team

Many people know Caterina Scorsone from her role in the popular TV series, Grey's Anatomy.

What most people do not know is that she is actually a mother of three children. Caterina has recently taken an initiative to promote equality for all children, regardless of their medical conditions or other discriminatory factors.

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In an essay that she wrote for the talk show Good Morning America, Caterina talks about her 3-year-old daughter. Paloma "Pippa" Michaela was diagnosed with Down syndrome during her infancy. Since October is Down syndrome awareness month, the actress thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to do her part in spreading awareness.

In her essay, she states that although Pippa has the condition, she is not the condition, meaning that her daughter should not be defined or recognized solely by Down syndrome. Pippa is different, but this condition also makes her unique. Caterina later explains what exactly distinguishes her daughter from the "normal" children in society.

"She has a visual learning profile that makes it easier for her to learn from pictures and printed words than from hearing a teacher lecture," Scorsone writes. "She could read simple words at 3 years old but took longer than her sister to be able to talk because of differences in her oral motor planning and muscle tone."

Having Down syndrome means that Pippa will be needing extra attention and special care, however, everybody has specific necessities in life. Everyone needs someone in their lives who can motivate them to succeed, and Pippa is no different. While claiming that she will always be there for her daughter, Caterina alludes to the fact that as a person, she also needs someone to motivate her to succeed.

Scorsone makes the important distinction between the terms "equity" and "equality" in her essay. While the term "equity" embraces and accepts each person's differences, "equality" alludes to conformity. While we conform to an equal society, we are throwing away the parts of ourselves that make us unique. The actress claims that this is not an option for any of her children.

"What is equal about Pippa, and about you and me, and all of the other human beings on this planet is our dignity," She wrote. "We are equal in the very fact of our miraculous existence. We are the same in our right and desire to connect and find fulfillment, to find joy and community. What is different is what each one of us needs in order to have those things."

When viewing an ad on a billboard or even browsing through a magazine, it is rare to see models with conditions such as Asperger syndrome or Down syndrome. Inclusion is typically not practiced, and if more companies were to hire models with various conditions, these conditions would become normalized within society.

Caterina Scorsone (2014), (Gregg DeGuire/WireImage via Getty Images)

Of course, Pippa needs more assistance in her life to achieve certain things that a person without her condition would. Her mother mentions that Pippa requires therapy and guidance, however, this does not sway her from her goals. If anything, this only makes Pippa more determined.

"Pippa is different. So are you and so am I," Scorsone points out in her essay.

Pippa has been thriving and is living a very happy life. Caterina hopes that her essay will spread awareness in our society and encourage others to get involved.

What do you think about Scorsone's essay? Let us know in the comments, and make sure you pass this along to your friends and family!

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