Cat Phenomenally Comforts Child With Special Needs During Meltdown

Jul 17, 2019 by apost team

Animals are known to be therapeutic to their owners. We own pets because we enjoy that they keep us company and they always have their own unique ways of telling us how much they love us. But we don’t think we’ve seen an animal that knows the perfect way to comfort their human friend until now!

A recent viral video making the rounds shows an incredible situation. However, many people may not find this display of affection uncommon between a cat and its owner. In fact, many people seem to think that cats are empathetic towards those around them. This means that when you’re feeling angry, sad, or emotional, your cat will find a way to comfort you and bring you back to equilibrium. Although many people believe their pets are able to sense how they feel, one cat wins the award for most empathetic!

In the incredible footage, a special needs child is going through a crisis. We can't imagine how awful he feels in this moment, and although the boy seems inconsolable, there’s one friend that can calm him down in the most perfect way – his cat! It’s almost as if the cat knows exactly how the boy feels and is willing to do anything in his power to help him out of his fragile state.

Sensing the distraught boy's helplessness, the cat knows when it's time to step in and comfort his friend. When the boy finally reacts to the cat’s affection, the cat seems happier than ever. He even responds with some licks on the face to remind the boy that he’ll always be there for him, no matter where life takes them both. It’s a scene too precious for words to explain.

This footage proves that animals are smarter than we think. Not only are they intelligent, but they seem to be very empathetic to those they love as well! Although millions of people own cats, some people are still in denial about how amazing these pets can be if you treat them right. Next time you stumble across someone who dislikes cats, make sure you show them this video to prove them wrong!

You can watch the amazing clip in the video below:

What do you think about this footage? Have your pets ever comforted you in a time of crisis? Let us know in the comments and be sure to pass this article along to your friends and family!