Cat Is Preoccupied With His Pawprints in Memory Foam

Feb 28, 2020 by apost team

Mike Bowers saw that his cat Winston was really enjoying the memory foam on an uncovered mattress, so he decided to catch the cat's curiousity on camera. 

Winston the cat decided to discover something new on the memory foam mattress. Because it was uncovered, Winston kept seeing his little pawprints linger in the foam. Winston's owner, Mike Bowers, decided that he should film his furry friend's curious discovery.

In the video, Winston is seen first just sitting on the bed, and then he realizes that his paws make an impression in the foam. He then steps back as he watches his footprints intensely and sees where he was just standing. 

One even sees Winston look at the indent, look at his paw, and then back at the indent, as though he's trying to figure out exactly what's going on here. Winston fixates on a few more steps before making his way off of the mattress.

What do you think about this cat's fun with memory foam? Have you ever seen a cat be curious about something we take fore-granted? Let us know what you think and be sure to pass this on to others so they can let us know their thoughts, too!