Cat Gets Cockatoo In Trouble - And He Has A Lot To Say About It

May 03, 2019 by apost team

Cockatoos are intelligent birds. They are known for their abilities to mimic sounds and voices.

They can repeat things that they have heard, and they have an excellent memory for doing this. In their repetition, they are able to recreate the tones and inflections of words.

Birds and cats are not known for getting along. Cats naturally want to hunt birds. In a household that has both a cat and a cockatoo, just about anything could go wrong. This was the case in a household with Mr. Max, a cockatoo, and Angel, a cat.

The bird has a lot to say to the owner. The bird barely allows the owner to get in a word. Mr. Max uses different voices in the conversation. He says the words quickly, making it difficult to figure out exactly what he is saying.

Mr. Max had a lot to say about what the cat was doing while the owner was away. Although this video has gone viral, the bird is difficult to understand.

One would think that the owner is able to figure out what the bird is saying, but for people who are unfamiliar with the bird, it is difficult to make out the details of the conversation between the bird and the owner. The owner had fun asking the bird questions and listening to its rapid answers.

What do you think about this conversation between the cockatoo and its owner? Have you ever had a pet bird? Did it learn how to talk? Did it tattle on other members of the household, human or otherwise? Let us know your thoughts about this amusing video and story!