Cat And Turtle Snuggle With Each Other While Napping

Apr 16, 2020 by apost team

Animals are always full of surprises. From one act to the next, you never know exactly what an animal will do next. The one thing we can be sure of is that animals continue to amaze us, and teach us time and again how to improve upon ourselves.

One such surprise came when a video captured a cat and turtle snuggling up together as they napped. The odd pairing look so peaceful and prove that just because they're different, doesn't mean they can't be close friends.

Animals are able to teach us many lessons if we stop and listen. They are there for us, unconditionally, from the time they enter our lives to the time they leave this world. If we stop and listen, they can teach us about love, acceptance, friendship, and simply being a better person.

It is through this special ability that animals are able to create loving friendships with each other where we as people would not expect one to exist, like between two animals who may be known enemies in the wild.

Having good friends is one of the best gifts you can get out of this life. Close friends are the ones that know you and take you as you are, faults and all. They love you for you and are always there for you.

This is beautifully shown in this video that captured a cat snuggling with a turtle during a nap. No one would have thought that a cat would befriend a turtle, but there it is. Animals are truly amazing! Looking at this can have no other result but to cause us to love animals even more.

Having good friends is one of the best gifts you can get out of this life. Close friends are the ones that know you and take you as you are, faults and all. They love you for you and are always there for you. Friends are those special people that are able to bring out your best qualities and will be there for you when you need them, no matter what happens. The saying goes you can't choose your family but you can choose your friends. And the ones you choose will sometimes become as close as family.

Friendships in the animal kingdom are no different. They are even more pure than the friendships that exist between human beings. Two animals who become friends are loyal to each other for life, helping each other when things get hard and playing together in the good times. Spending the day with your friends can be an instant form of therapy, and looking at how comfortable and relaxed the cat and turtle are laying together it is obvious to see!

What did you think of this adorable pairing? Let us know in the comments and be sure to pass this on to your family and friends!