Cat And Chipmunk Form Unusual Friendship And Won't Stop Cuddling

Oct 22, 2019 by apost team

Animals sometimes form unusual friendships with each other, and among the most surprising are those between a predator and an animal that would normally be its prey. Consider the following story about a chipmunk and a gray, long-haired cat.

The chipmunk went exploring in someone’s yard, not knowing that it was also a cat’s territory. Upon seeing the cat, the chipmunk was understandably frightened, but the cat lay down to show that it came in peace. Gathering its courage, the chipmunk hopped onto the cat and rested on its side. The cat’s owner took several pictures of the animals cuddling together and then posted them on Reddit.

The pictures drew a number of comments from other Reddit posters ranging from stories about their cats killing animals to snarky comments about the cat being “broken” or “defective.” One person paraphrased a quote from the “Godfather” movies: “Keep your friends close and your snacks closer.”

This is not the first time something like this has happened. Sometimes a cat will also make friends with something that could eat it. A few years ago, fishermen in the Lake Van area of Turkey were flabbergasted to see a domestic cat and a fox happily playing together.

Scientists have actually been studying how animals make friends, and they are particularly curious when the friendship involves animals that should be enemies – like a cat and a chipmunk. They have noted that friendships between animals of different species are more likely between younger animals or animals in captivity. Sometimes, animals of different species will turn to each other for solace after sharing a terrible experience. Around ten years ago, a wildfire swept through Santa Barbara, California. Rescue workers managed to save some of the wild animals displaced by the fire – including a fawn and a bobcat kitten who huddled together for comfort.

The cat and the chipmunk apparently have not suffered any calamity, and there is no way to tell the age of the animals. The cat does have an owner and can thus be considered a “captive” animal, and it obviously is not even remotely hungry. These two simply seem to like each other!

What do you think about this story? Have you read other stories about unusual friendships between animals? Let us know in the commennts and be sure to pass this article along.