C-Sections: A Woman Clears up the Misconceptions

Sep 20, 2018 by apost team

There is still the widespread opinion that women who bring their child into this world with a Caesarean section (C-section) are lazy and just want to be comfortable. They just want to escape the pain and difficulties of "real" births. Let's get real and clear up some misconceptions about C-sections.

"C-section? So, you didn't truly give birth. Isn't that just an easy way out?"

Unfortunately, many women who have had a C-section have had to hear these or similar comments (that, surprise, they never asked for). We do not want to hear these unwelcome words ever again, so here are some suitable answers and responses to these ignorant comments (they are even more effective if you show them your C-section scar):

"My emergency C-section was of course motivated by my comfort. After all, it is incredibly uncomfortable to be in labor for 38 hours and then learn I am endangering my baby with every contraction that might stop his heart. If you hear that everything is going according to plan and no C-section is necessary, you start to feel pretty safe. Then suddenly the doctors and nurses say that I will be prepared for an abdominal operation, and my nerves started to increase. I had no choice. All I knew is that I could only save my baby's life this way. It is hardly comfortable to fear for your child's life. And the operation leaves real scars that aren't only physical."



If you like, you can formulate something that's more blunt and freely show your annoyance with the comments:

"My C-section was the most painful thing I've ever had to go through. It not only leaves you with scars, but you can die from it as you hopefully know. You have to realize that a C-section literally cuts the baby out of the mother's body."

The screaming baby is pulled through an incision that is only a few inches long, so you have to know that the whole ordeal may not go smoothly. They have to pull, tear, cut, and burst through your body to get the child out. The procedure involves grabbing layers of body fat, muscles, and organs out of your body and laying them on the table next to you. I definitely had not imagined the birth of my child to happen exactly as it did.


This experience was not comfortable in any way and still affects me. Just thinking of that day fills me with pain. The muscles in the midsection are important for a lot of your body's normal functions - you can't even lay down without using them. Thanks to the C-section you can't use these muscles at all, because the doctor just destroyed them. It takes at least six weeks for you to heal and for your body to return to normal functions.

You will come to understand what this really means for your body when the hospital staff asks you whether you can get out of bed. Your wounded and literally broken body will groan - nay - scream from pain. In this moment, you will understand the irony of the saying that C-sections are a lazy choice.

I am a strong woman. Not just for my sake, but for my newborn child's. I would endure all of this pain just to see my baby smile at me.

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