British Man Discovers That Holding in a Sneeze Can Be a Literal Pain in the Neck

Jan 18, 2018 by apost team

Sneezing isn't the most glamorous activity. It might seem perfectly natural to try and contain a squeeze out of modesty. One unnamed British man has learned the hard way that trying to prevent a sneeze can land you in the hospital.

Sneezing isn't the most glamorous activity. It might seem perfectly natural to try and contain a squeeze out of modesty. One unnamed British man has learned the hard way that trying to prevent a sneeze can land you in the hospital. Doctors report that the 34-year old Brit took extreme measures to conceal his sneeze. The man held his nose and kept his mouth closed instead of letting the sneeze proceed full blast. He then felt an uncomfortable pop in his neck. A few hours passed without issue but then problems emerged. The man's voice changed and there was significant pain in his throat. It became so severe that a trip to the hospital was necessary. Testing at the hospital revealed a horrifying scenario. The man actually created a small tear in his throat when he held in the sneeze. Air bubbles were making their way into the man's muscle tissue. This is what accounted for the snapping, crackling sounds in the man's neck. Thankfully, the perforation was very small and capable of self-repair. Otherwise, the man might have required surgery to correct the hole in his throat. According to the man, he always seeks to prevent a sneeze because he feels as though it is poor hygiene to sneeze in public. Doctors disagree. They say that holding in a sneeze can cause more harm than letting it out. Sneezing actually serves a very important function. A sneeze is designed to rid the nose of irritants. Drops of mucus can be expelled from the nose at more than 100 miles per hour. Trying to hold back this pressure can cause many problems as the man from Britain discovered. There is simply too much air pressure contained in a sneeze and that air must go somewhere. The injury suffered by this man was rare. It was also minor, but it could have been much more serious. The advice here is clear. Step away for privacy if you must, but don't try to restrain that sneeze! Doing so could lead to busted eardrums, throat irritations, or even a hole in the throat like this man received. Alternate Titles A Simple Sneeze Hospitalized This Man For Days Let That Sneeze Go Or Your Health Could Be At Risk This Man Sneezed and What Happened to His Throat Was A Medical Emergency


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Doctors report that the 34-year old Brit took extreme measures to conceal his sneeze. The man held his nose and kept his mouth closed instead of letting the sneeze proceed full blast. He then felt an uncomfortable pop in his neck. A few hours passed without issue, but later problems emerged. The man's voice changed, and there was significant pain in his throat. It became so severe that a trip to the hospital was necessary. 

Testing at the hospital revealed a horrifying scenario. The man actually created a small tear in his throat when he held in the sneeze. Air bubbles were making their way into the man's muscle tissue. This is what accounted for the snapping, crackling sounds in the man's neck.

Thankfully, the perforation was very small and capable of self-repair. Otherwise, the man might have required surgery to correct the hole in his throat. According to the man, he always seeks to prevent a sneeze because he feels as though it is poor hygiene to sneeze in public. Doctors disagree. They say that holding in a sneeze can cause more harm than letting it out. 

Sneezing actually serves an essential function. A sneeze is designed to rid the nose of irritants. Drops of mucus can be expelled from the nose at more than 100 miles per hour. Trying to hold back this pressure can cause many problems as the man discovered. There is simply too much air pressure contained in a sneeze and that air must go somewhere. 

The injury suffered by this man was rare. It was also minor, but it could have been much more severe. The advice here is clear. Step away for privacy if you must, but don't try to restrain that sneeze! Doing so could lead to busted eardrums, throat irritations, or even a hole in the throat like this man received. 

Thank you for reading :)

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