Bride Covers Her Face And Cries Because Her Students With Down Syndrome Show Up At Her Wedding

Jun 26, 2020 by apost team

Cíntia Bonfante Pereira is a Brazilian speech therapist who works with kids who have Down syndrome. In March, Cíntia's groom Jose Vitor Flach invited her students to their wedding as a surprise, and their appearance moved her to tears.

Wedding days are magical and full of surprises. Many weddings have seen its share of planning from the couple, but sometimes the plans by family and friends can make the day of wedding bells even more spectacular. When two people get married, the furthest thing from their mind is the surprises that await them.

Flach and Pereira were married recently, and the wedding was as beautiful as the couple. Family and friends showed up to attend their special occasion. Jose did the unthinkable to show his new wife how much he wanted to make her even happier.

He invited her students to the wedding without her knowing, as this video of the wedding shows. Pereira's expression showed gratitude and surprise when she covered her face and began to cry tears of joy. She was not expecting them to be there for her.

In Cíntia's profession, she works with children with Down syndrome as a speech therapist. The moment they walked in looking like a bunch of well-dressed angels, she became filled with pure excitement. She was so happy to spend her special day with her students, whom she loves, and who is so meaningful in her life.

The moments became frozen in time with pictures and captured on video. They both decided they should share their happy moment with the world and put it on the internet.

Since the day the video uploaded to the internet, the video started gaining popularity. People described the children as they came up the aisle, all dressed up for their teacher's wedding.

The kids were almost as excited as the bride. They were happy to be included. The boys had some nice suits while the girls had some pretty dresses. People commented about how adorable they were.

What made it even cuter was that there were two small boys dressed up more than the rest. They were driving up the aisle in a toy car. It was almost like a parade.

Often, the toy car driver thought he was in a parade because he kept waving to everyone at the wedding every time he would stop the car. Guests loved the grand entrance and probably thought it was the cutest thing they ever saw.

The fun and cuteness did not stop there. The kids then began to go up on the stage where the bride and groom with the preacher man was. They walked straight up to tell their teacher "congratulations."

Cíntia seems to be a great teacher because the love ran mutual through her students to her. You can tell she adores every one of them. The footage catches the bride and groom, pausing the wedding because they wanted to talk to the children and make them feel special by thanking them for being at their wedding.

What did you think of this touching story? Let us know and pass this inspiring video on to friends and family members.