Brave Girl Battling Cancer Stands Up At Wedding And Sings A Song That Makes Everyone Cry

May 10, 2019 by apost team

Cancer is a devastating disease that affects millions of people each year. Watching a loved one go through cancer treatment is understandably an emotional process, but it is downright heartbreaking to see a child go through that experience. Many types of cancers require long chemo and radiation treatments as well as surgeries. Even with these treatments, the outcome is not always positive.

When Anya Ottley was in middle school, her parents noticed a protrusion underneath her shirt. Upon inspecting her belly, they saw just how large the lump was, and they immediately took her to the hospital. Tests revealed that she had a tumor that was roughly the same size as a small melon growing in her abdominal cavity.

The first step in her treatment was an immediate surgery to remove as much of the tumor as they could. In the process, they removed her left kidney. Afterward, she underwent several dozens rounds of radiation and chemo treatments to kill any remaining cancer cells.

One of the many side effects of these harsh treatments is the loss of hair, but Anya decided to cut her hair and donate it before she lost it entirely. Rather than keep the wig that had her own hair, she decided that someone else needed the wig more than she did.

The hair was donated, and Anya boldly embraced her baldness. In a local newspaper, Anya's mother stated how proud she was of her daughter's strength.

After Anya underwent 28 rounds of treatment, she pulled together all of the strength that she could muster to sing a song at a wedding reception she was attending. Her song choice was, “Fight Song.”

This is no doubt an anthem that many cancer patients hang onto throughout their treatments. A video of her performance is online to inspire others to remain strong.

Has music touched your life in an incredible way? Leave your comments below and pass this touching story along to your friends and family to inspire them today!