Boy With Autism Intentionally Locked Out Of School By Faculty

Feb 05, 2019 by apost team

At Springbrook Elementary School in Kent, Washington, an 11-year-old autistic student was purposefully locked out on December 14, 2018. Principal Ashli Short reportedly locked the little boy out after attempting to use the restroom. Cameras show the boy shivering in the cold for fifteen minutes as he tries to reenter the school. People are puzzled and his parents are demanding answers.

According to a report by KIRO 7, the family was told that the student requested to use the restroom. Because of his condition, he is supposed to be allowed to go at any time. After being refused access to the restroom by Principal Short, the boy couldn't pass by her, so he exited through the back door.

According to the child's grandmother, Lovine Montgomery, it was at this point that her grandson was locked out of the school. Camera footage shows the young boy unsupervised out in the cold frantically trying to get back in.

Every entrance he encountered was locked. He even had the blinds shut on him after begging through a window to be let back inside.

While the school did send home an incident report to the child's mother, Javohn Perry, it failed to mention the fact that her son had been left out in the frigid December cold. She learned the full details from her son and immediately arranged a meeting with the principal.

The young boy's story was confirmed at the meeting when Ashli Short admitted that her son was left out in the cold. She even told Perry that an intercom announcement was made so that everyone would participate in the lockout.

Faculty and staff were clearly instructed to deny the boy access back into the school.

The only justification that Short gave for her cruel actions was that she felt like she and the students were in imminent danger. The principal is shown taking a step back during this incident, but no danger appears to be evident based on the tapes. It seems more like an overreaction on Short's part.

Perry reveals that this isn't the first issue they have had with Principal Short this school year. She has expressed her issues with the school to both the principal and the board on multiple occasions.

According to Perry, she believes the biggest problem is the lack of a special education teacher at the school.

Autism expert Maxine Share believes that Springbrook Elementary did the boy a huge disservice. They failed to provide him with a safe environment by placing him outside in the cold alone. They also disrupted his schedule and increased his anxiety.

Uncertainty is tough for people with autism. The school seemed to totally disregard that.

Share is ashamed of the treatment of Perry's son by the school and the administrators. She cannot fathom that the very people who are supposed to support and protect children would place them in a situation like that. The boy has been relocated to a different school.

Perry states that she will not allow her son to be mistreated and that there are many other children like her son that are being abused by the school system. She calls for all parents to understand what accommodations their child is entitled to and to ask questions. She wants parents to start advocating for their children with special needs.

Perry still feels like the reason that her son was locked out is a mystery. As of now, Ashli Short has been placed on paid administrative leave.

There is an ongoing investigation into this chilling incident taking place.

How would you react if this was your child? Do you think the principal was justified in her actions? Tell us what you think!