Boxer Dad Gets Adorably ‘Attacked’ By His Puppies

Jul 02, 2020 by apost team

A video from 2015 shows a litter of boxer puppies adorably "attacking" their dad, in search of mommy's milk supply.

Parents of human children know that being a parent can be exhausting. Now, imagine being in charge of eight toddlers, all at once. You'd probably never sleep again. That's the kind of vibes we were getting from Reno, a boxer dad to eight puppies who lovingly decided it was time to play with dad. Luckily for us, Reno's owner was on the porch with the puppies and caught Reno's exhausting experience on camera.

Puppies are adorable. It is a fact. However, much like human toddlers, puppies tend to have a lot of energy. If you've owned a puppy, you know the struggle first-hand. Dog dad, Reno, seems not to have realized what it's like to be swarmed by eight puppies all at once — at least not until this video.

When Reno's owner took the puppies to play on their porch, Reno decided to join them. The puppies very quickly realized that their dad was on the porch with them. Poor Reno fought a losing battle as soon as they swarmed him. His owner videoed the whole experience, having to remind Reno to be patient with the puppies several times.

The puppies wanted to play with their dad. They surrounded him relatively quickly. A few went under his legs, likely hoping that they could find food there on him the way they could on mom. Others tried to play with his collar, his ears, or his dog tags. When Reno decided he needed to escape, he carefully jumped over the ring of puppies. No matter where he went, though, they followed him, clearly excited to play.

Throughout the video, Reno makes multiple escape attempts, even knocking one of the puppies over on accident. There are a few points where he seems genuinely frustrated, as no matter where he goes, they follow. Admittedly, we can't blame him. Who hasn't gotten overwhelmed by their children's relentless energy time and time again?

Reno is still very gentle with the puppies, though. With stern reminders from his owner on occasion, he made sure not to hurt them. He never growled or barked, and instead focused on trying to move away from them. With eight puppies excitedly chasing after him, however, Reno didn't stand a chance. Thankfully, despite the discomfort, he clearly understood that they were small and just wanted his attention.

Parenting is hard. It's even worse when you have eight children trying to get your attention at the same time, as well as at least one of them getting a bit too personal with you. Reno expressed what any parent—whether to a pet or a child—has felt at some point. Kids are exhausting, overwhelming, and don't understand personal space.

All the same, we still love them, and we know that we can't hurt them (even if it's tempting sometimes!) Reno needed a break, definitely, and we hope he got the chance to get that much-needed rest.

Everyone struggles to be a parent sometimes. Children are exhausting, and you're allowed to be tired. If we were Reno, we would have hidden under the porch (just don't tell the puppies that!) Have you ever felt entirely overwhelmed when you were taking care of your kids?

Maybe you were even taking care of an excitable puppy and suddenly understood why Reno felt the desire to get some space. Let us know if you've thought about hiding in the closest closet just to get a few moments to yourself. And next time you think about running away, use this video as a reminder for you and your fellow parents that the parenting struggle is real.