Blind Engineer Invents A Walking Cane That Uses Satellite Assistance For Easier Navigation

Oct 17, 2019 by apost team

Technology is truly transforming the world we live in. Things we take for granted like TVs and light bulbs are now able to understand voice commands. It makes life less of a hassle and more like the world we see in Star Trek movies. Technology is doing much more than making life more convenient. It is opening up the entire world to people with visual impairment.

A young engineer by the name of Kursat Ceylan invented a smart cane called WeWalk. It assists blind people in navigating the world with the help of the latest technology. The cane can truly give blind people a new way to get around.

Ceylan is the co-founder and CEO of Young Guru Academy. It's a Turkish non-profit whose goal is backing the WeWalk. Ceylan also happens to be a visually-impaired engineer who designed and created this revolutionary walking aid.

Because Ceylan lives with blindness, he knows firsthand the challenges the visually impaired face every day. He decided to take his knowledge and expertise to find a solution. The WeWalk is his creation. 

Ceylan told CNN, "When I am at the Metro Station, I don't know which is my exit." It's also difficult not knowing which shops are close and which bus is approaching.

The cane assists the user with the help of smart technology. It has a voice assistant, built-in speakers, and sensors. It can send vibrations to the user, telling of obstacles ahead. The cane is also linked to Google Maps for better navigation.

WeWalk sells for about $500 through the company's website. What do you think of Ceylan's invention? Tell us about it. Also, send this link to others, so they can see it for themselves.