Blake Shelton And Kelly Clarkson Tear Up After Craig Morgan Sings New Song 'The Father, My Son, And The Holy Ghost'

Oct 23, 2019 by apost team

Country singer Craig Morgan wrote a very special song after his son passed away a few years ago. The moving song titled “The Father, My Son, and the Holy Ghost” caught the ears of both Kelly Clarkson and Blake Shelton and they both ended up crying when they heard it on Kelly’s show.

Craig tragically lost his son Jerry in a tubing accident on Kentucky Lake in Tennessee in 2016. Since that unfortunate incident, it is easy to say that Craig was not able to sleep soundly. On one sleepless night, inspiration suddenly struck and he penned the stirring song.

“It was 2:30 in the morning and there I was, singing the entire chorus in my head before I even woke up enough to put the words down on paper,” he told People.

Although it was a difficult song for him to perform live, he eventually got the courage to sing it at the Grand Ole Opry. Audiences loved it, including his friend Blake Shelton, who wanted to see the song go to #1 on iTunes.

After supporting Craig with a campaign on Twitter, Blake proudly shared that the song did end up going to #1, a difficult feat. Craig went on to soulfully perform the song on Kelly Clarkson’s new talk show, and once again reduced the audience to tears. This time, his pal Blake was there next to Kelly and Eva Mendes. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house.

What do you think of Craig’s song and performance? Tell us your opinion and pass this on to the country music fans in your life.