Black Bear Caught On Video Belly-Flopping On Ski Slope

Jan 29, 2020 by apost team

Only in Canada -- In the land of snow and majestic animals, an unusual moment was captured at Whistler Blackcomb Ski Resort. You won’t want to miss this video of a delightful “skiing bear.”

In 2011, a Canadian black bear was captured on camera in the midst of a hilarious action. The scene appeared to have been captured from above. A family was apparently riding the ski lift at just the right moment to record the comical scene. CANADA Explore's Youtube channel posted the video, which is fifteen seconds long, for the amusement of viewers. In fact, the scene was so entertaining, that it has been viewed nearly a million times over the past several years.

The unusual incident unraveled at Whistler Blackcomb Ski Resort, which is nestled in the Canadian province of British Colombia. Whistler is home to both black bears and grizzly bears, according to the First Tracks Lodge. You’re likely to see one or the other at some point if you visit, but you may not be able to tell them apart. This video, however, features a black bear.

Normally you wouldn’t want to encounter a black bear on the slopes, but this is one you have to see. It will only take fifteen seconds of your day. That is unless you can’t stop yourself from viewing it repeatedly, which – we warn you - might be difficult!

The video opens as a black bear makes his way to a sizable piece of snow on an otherwise muddy section of the ski slope. A young boy watching the scene shouts with glee as the great beast makes a cartoon-like belly flop straight into the snow. The animal then proceeds to fly like a child on a backyard slip-in-slide. The bear glides straight on his belly across the patch of snow. This grand performance causes the watching boy to cheer the bear on.

As fun-loving as this bear seems to be in the video, in real life, bears pose a serious threat. British Columbia's Parks site recommends, if you find yourself in confronted with a bear, don’t approach it. Stay calm and speak softly so it’s not threatened by you, but it still hears you. In that case, it just might – you better hope – run away. Don’t run away from it yourself, or it might give chase. And whatever you do, don’t make it feel cornered.

But right now, you don’t have to worry about any threat from this black bear. You can enjoy his antics from the safety of your home. Hit play and prepare yourself for a good laugh, one you’ll want all your friends to enjoy, too. Make sure your friends get a chance to see this side-splitting video.